            The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Hardball airs tonight at 7p, 11p & 4a ET & 4p, 8p & 1a PT

You know the big news stories out there today: Fmr. counterterrorism guy Richard 
Clarke slamming the Bush administration with the splash of his new book "Against all 
Enemies" and the assassination by Israel of the Hamas leader...We've got both stories 
covered for you tonight but first I want to clue you in on a special treat...

As you know, Hardball is on the forefront of providing you with the latest political 
ads barraging the airwaves with strikes, counterstrikes and the like...Tonight we take 
it to the next level..."Kickin' it up a notch" if you will...David Shuster, Howard 
Mortman and producer Christina Jamison take you inside the world of political ad 
making by actually producing several ads themselves and bringing you the process from 
soup to nuts, idea brainstorming to finished product...And I'm not just plugging this 
because I make a cameo in Shuster's package...I'm not that egotistical...The spot 
takes you behind the scenes of the production process and portions of it are filmed in 
our little suite of executive cubicles which you'll want to see so you get a sense of 
what it looks like in the Hardball nerve center...

I dare the other shows to try that!  By the way, dig our new special website "Hardball 
Hardshots" which chronicles the daily to and fro between Kerry & Bush 

But that's not all for you tonight...We've got more...Much more...We lead with David 
Gregory from the north lawn with the latest Beltway brouhaha swirling around former 
NSC guy Richard Clarke and his big fuss book just released (If you don't have a clue 
what I'm talking about, I've got all the links below)...Then Florida Senator and fmr. 
Intel Committee chairman Bob Graham weighs in...

We go to break and then speak with White House spokesman Jim Wilkinson who'll respond 
to Clarke & Graham...

BTW, Dick Cheney was on Rush today going on the offensive against Clarke...

Later in the show we speak with Palestinian legislative council member Hanan Ashwari 
and Israeli cabinet minister and Knesset member Uzi Landau...They will of course 
discuss the assassination of Hamas leader Sheikh Ahmed Yassin and what it means for 
peace and stability in the Middle East...

We round out the show with the Shuster ad stuff...

Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited The Briefing from Washington, DC

Memoir Criticizes Bush 9/11 Response...President Pushed Iraq Link, Aide Says (The 
Washington Post) http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A13607-2004Mar21.html

White House at war with ex-terrorism chief...President accused of having 'ignored' 
al-Qaida before 9/11 (MSNBC) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/4568982/

"When you compare Dick Clarke's current rhetoric with his past comments and actions, 
the bedrock of his assertions comes crumbling down," said chief presidential spokesman 
Scott McClellan. (AP) http://apnews.myway.com/article/20040322/D81FGV2G0.html

Condi Rice: 9/11: For The Record 

2 U.S. soldiers killed in Iraq...Insurgents fired a rocket at American troops in 
western Iraq, killing two soldiers, while in Baghdad, rockets fired toward the 
coalition headquarters Sunday killed two Iraqi civilians and wounded a U.S. soldier.

Hamas leader killed...In a move likely to escalate Palestinian-Israeli violence, 
Israeli forces killed Sheik Ahmed Yassin, the founder and spiritual leader of the 
violent Islamic Hamas movement, in a missile attack in Gaza early Monday. 

Yassin was ideological force behind Hamas...Unyielding rejectionist attitude marked 
him for death by Israel (MSNBC) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/4577891/

Calls for vengence, calls for restraint...Reaction to the assassination of Sheik 
Yassin (MSNBC) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/4577902/

The United States strongly denied any involvement in the assassination on Monday of 
Hamas leader Sheikh Ahmed Yassin and appealed for calm in the region following his 
death. (Reuters) http://www.reuters.com/newsArticle.jhtml?type=topNews&storyID=4620770

Newsweek: Missed terror signs...Bin Laden was a threat, but Clinton never pushed it 
and Bush seemed more interested in Saddam. What went wrong

FBI Budget Squeezed After 9/11...Request for New Counterterror Funds Cut by Two-Thirds 
(The Washington Post) 

Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry said Sunday he has asked for copies of a 
new book in which a former White House counterterrorism coordinator accuses the Bush 
administration of manipulating America into war with Iraq with dangerous consequences. 
(AP) http://apnews.myway.com/article/20040321/D81F2DSO0.html

Sammon: President Bush's re-election campaign officials, encouraged by their success 
in putting Sen. John Kerry on the defensive in the past 10 days, yesterday opened a 
new round of coordinated attempts to define him as "a tax-and-spend liberal." 

President Bush entrusts adviser Karl Rove to oversee his bare-knuckle bid for a second 
term. Yet Rove is but one of a small group of counselors helping to guide the most 
expensive, and possibly the most corporate-like, presidential campaign in history. 
(AP) http://apnews.myway.com/article/20040321/D81F0O7G0.html

Ted helps Kerry fight Bush whacks...John Kerry's campaign turned once more to "proud 
liberal" Sen. Edward Kennedy to stick up for the Democrat after a week of withering 
GOP attempts to define him as a flip-flopping, tax-raising liberal. (NY Daily News) 

GOP sees pattern of fabrication by Kerry...Republican campaigners, continuing to 
highlight Sen. John Kerry's statements that he had been endorsed by "foreign leaders," 
assert that this is part of a pattern of fabrications and exaggerations going back to 
his Massachusetts campaigns. (The Washington Times) 

John Kerry introduces himself to voters in a television ad unveiled Monday, promising 
"a new direction for America" from a war-tested Democrat. (AP) 

Kerry 48, Bush 46; With Nader It's a Tie; Kerry Leads Big in the Blues, Bush Leads Big 
in the Reds; Bush Preferred If Terror Hits US, New Zogby International Poll Reveals

McCain, Lieberman urge civility...Appeal to Kerry, Bush warns that voters may tune out 

President Bush's re-election campaign opened a new line of attack on Democrat John 
Kerry on Sunday by saying his main spending proposals would cost $1.7 trillion over 10 
years and that he would have to raise taxes on all Americans to pay for them. 

Carter savages Blair and Bush: 'Their war was based on lies' (London Independent) 

In Louisville last night, actor George Clooney wrapped up a round of celebrity-driven 
fund raising for the 4th District congressional campaign of his father, former 
television personality Nick Clooney of Augusta. (Louisville Courier-Journal) 

Wonkette's DC gossip roundup: 

Electablog says of a Kerry/Bush debate: "bring it on"  


Pat: The consequences of 'Mr. Bush's War' 

Terry: Is John Kerry willing to increase the odds that U.S. troops will have to fight 
another Middle Eastern war just to preserve the pristine view from the millionaires' 
mansions along Nantucket Sound? http://humaneventsonline.com/article.php?id=3304

Fund: 'Internationalist' Kerry...Bragging of foreign support doesn't win many votes in 
America http://www.opinionjournal.com/diary/?id=110004851

Katrina's Letter From Moscow...The youthful marchers were there to protest all forms 
of occupation. http://www.thenation.com/edcut/index.mhtml?bid=7

Doonesbury http://www.nydailynews.com/cgi-bin/email/send.cgi 

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