            The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Hardball airs tonight on MSNBC at 7p, 11p & 4a ET & 4p, 8p & 1a PT  Find MSNBC on your 
TV http://www.msnbc.com/CableOperator.asp

Stunning testimony has emerged from one of the guys at the heart of the Abu Ghraib 
prison abuse scandal...Spec. Jeremy C. Sivits, one of the seven members of the 372nd 
Military Police Company facing charges in the case, has issued a detailed statement on 
what he says took place there...He severally implicated Military Police Cpl. Charles 
A. Graner who was just charged by the Army today in connection to the scandal 
http://apnews.myway.com/article/20040514/D82IDPU80.html  We'll talk to his lawyer, Guy 
Womack, and get his reaction to the charges...

The other big story is the unfolding tale of Nick Berg, his horrible death, the men 
who did it to him and what he was doing in Iraq prior to his kidnapping...Why was he 
detained by Iraqi authorities in March?  Why was his e-mail account password stolen by 
Zacharias Moussaoui (the so called "20th hijacker" of 9/11)?  Was he or wasn't he in 
U.S. custody?  Shuster's working up a package and we'll also get Saudi Arabian 
reaction from Adel Al-Jubeir (a foreign policy advisor to Crown Prince Abdullah)

We'll do the political angle with Howard & Dana Priest from the Post...Lots of fat to 
chew on there...

Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited from Washington, DC

MP in scandal offers to plead guilty...One of the military police officers charged in 
the abuse scandal at Iraq's Abu Ghraib prison has offered to plead guilty and has 
provided military investigators with a detailed account of how guards humiliated and 
beat detainees, in one case hitting a prisoner so hard he became unconscious. (The 
Washington Post) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/4973710/

Gertz: The CIA concluded yesterday that the hooded terrorist shown beheading an 
American civilian in a videotape is al Qaeda-linked terrorist Abu Musab Zarqawi. 

Balz Analysis: Bad Signs For Bush In History, Numbers...Approval Rating Is Lowest of 
His Term "...Republican pollster Bill McInturff said presidents can win reelection 
even if a majority of voters say the country is heading in the wrong direction, as 
they do now. He said he believes the public's mood will brighten if Iraq ceases to 
dominate the news as it has for the past month." (The Washington Post) 

A growing majority of voters are unhappy with the way things are going in Iraq, but 
that is not helping Democratic presidential candidate Sen. John Kerry, who trails or 
is statistically tied with President Bush in most surveys. (The Washington Times) 

Beheading victim loved 'adventure'...His driver says, 'He never listened to anyone' 
(The Washington Post) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/4973713/

Nick Berg, the young American beheaded by terrorists in Iraq, had an earlier encounter 
with a Muslim fanatic - and inadvertently provided accused 9/11 al Qaeda operative 
Zacarias Moussaoui with his e-mail password. (NY Post) 

The father of Nick Berg, the Pennsylvania contractor beheaded in Iraq, on Thursday 
directly blamed President Bush and Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld for his son's 
death. (Reuters) 

Iraq's bin Laden? Zarqawi's rise...CIA says the Jordanian-born terrorist leader is the 
person shown beheading a US civilian on video. (CS Monitor) 

Hezbollah, Hamas denounce beheading...Saudi Arabia, UAE also weigh in with 
condemnations (AP) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/4971314/

Saudi Arabia's ambassador to the United States condemned as "criminal and inhuman" the 
decapitation in Iraq (news - web sites) of American Nicholas Berg. (AP) 

U.S. tanks charge into Najaf center...The golden dome of the Shrine of Imam Ali, one 
of the most sacred sites for Shiite Muslims, was hit by what appeared to be four 
gunshots amid fierce fighting Friday between U.S. soldiers and militiamen loyal to 
radical cleric Muqtada al-Sadr.

Gunmen believed loyal to radical cleric Muqtada al-Sadr attacked the headquarters of 
the U.S.-led coalition in Nasiriyah on Friday, trapping some international staffers 
inside, coalition officials said (AP) 

The United States is quietly pressing its allies to send more troops to Iraq, but it's 
getting a lukewarm response amid escalating violence and public outcry over the abuse 
of Iraqi prisoners. (AP) http://apnews.myway.com/article/20040514/D82IF9BO0.html

Presumptive Democratic nominee John Kerry viewed photographs depicting abuse of Iraqi 
prisoners in U.S. custody after making an unexpected visit to the Capitol to gain a 
full understanding of the allegations, an aide said Friday. (AP) 

Republicans believe that Democrats, who have used reports of Iraqi prisoner abuse as 
an avenue to attack President Bush on the war, might be overplaying their hand - 
especially in light of the videotaped slaughter of an American businessman by al Qaeda 
terrorists. (The Washington Times) 

U.S. says will leave Iraq if asked...L. Paul Bremer, the U.S. administrator,  told 
regional officials Friday that the United States would leave Iraq if requested to do 
so by the new government - although he thinks such a move is unlikely. 

Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan will cost more than $50 billion next year, a top Defense 
Department official told Congress Thursday in the Bush administration's clearest 
description yet of the conflicts' price tags. (AP) 

President Bush on Thursday told a receptive audience of conservatives that he is 
committed to bringing democracy and stability to Iraq despite increased violence 
against Americans and concerns over the abuse of Iraqi prisoners by U.S. soldiers. 
(AP) http://apnews.myway.com/article/20040514/D82I19881.html

Trying to showcase the softer side of his political agenda while banking more money 
for the Republican Party, President Bush is highlighting religion-oriented initiatives 
aimed at helping the poor. (AP) http://apnews.myway.com/article/20040514/D82IDO401.html

More than 300 inmates leave Abu Ghraib prison...Scheduled release follows visit by 
Rumsfeld (AP) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/4975021/

If U.S. Sen. John Kerry has his way, the certain Democratic presidential nominee will 
get campaign help from former President Clinton. (Arkansas News Bureau) 

If the Democratic primary was also a tryout for potential vice presidential picks, 
some candidates probably would be better off if they had never started their quixotic 
bids. (AP)  http://www.thestate.com/mld/thestate/news/politics/8664016.htm

Al-Qaida allegedly aiding Iraq insurgents...Statement posted on militant Web sites 
(Reuters) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/4976579/

Kerry Sanders: Inside U.S. military interrogator training...Top-secret, 16-week course 
teaches what can, cannot be done http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/4972114/

Report: 9/11 workers brave amid chaos...Heroic efforts hampered by communication 
mix-ups (AP) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/4978372/

Some news organizations have relegated the beheading of American contractor Nicholas 
Berg to a second-tier story behind repetitive accounts of Iraqi prisoner abuse. (The 
Washington Times) http://washingtontimes.com/national/20040513-113306-6795r.htm

Vanity Fair Editor-in-Chief Graydon Carter has a new headache. Dominick Dunne, one of 
his most famed writers in the Vanity Fair stable, is being accused by a woman of 
paying her to lie for some of his stories. (NY Post) 


Craig Crawford swoons for Kerry-McCain ticket 

Senator Joe Lieberman: 'Let Us Have Faith'...Why Rumsfeld must stay. 

Failing To Recognize Failure...Why does the president still trust Rumsfeld's judgment? 

The Washington Times: If they do that with a knife . . .If you have not yet seen the 
video of Nicholas Berg's beheading, you have not fully experienced the passions of the 
nation's enemies nor, perhaps, your own patriotic passion for victory. It is a 
horrific event, but one from which Americans should not avert their eyes. 

Saletan: Are the American soldiers who abused Iraqi inmates at Abu Ghraib prison "a 
few who have betrayed our values," as Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld says? Or are 
they victims of a prison system guaranteed to produce atrocities? 

Doonesbury http://www.ucomics.com/doonesbury/

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