            The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Hardball airs tonight on MSNBC at 7p, 11p & 4a ET & 4p, 8p & 1a PT  Find MSNBC on your 
TV http://www.msnbc.com/CableOperator.asp

Tonight we lead with the most explosive piece of journalism coming out of Washington 
this week: Sy Hersh's New Yorker story which suggests that the roots of the scandal 
lay in a decision approved last year by Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld to expand a 
classified operation for aggressive interrogations to Iraqi prisoners, a program that 
had been focused on the hunt for al-Qaida terrorists.

Newsweek is also reporting that a memo from White House Counsel Alberto Gonzales to 
President Bush as far back at Jan. '02 said that the war on terror "renders obsolete 
Geneva's strict limitations on questioning of enemy prisoners and renders quaint some 
of its provisions."

Secretary of State Colin Powell conceded yesterday that  there were high-level 
discussions within the Bush administration last fall about information from the 
International Committee of the Red Cross alleging inmate abuse at the U.S.-run Abu 
Ghraib prison in Iraq.

It's gettin' Stinky around here folks...

We've got Sy for two blocks after an "as live" from Bahgdad with Carl Rochelle

Sy Hersh piece http://www.newyorker.com/fact/content/?040524fa_fact

Newsweek piece http://msnbc.msn.com/id/4989422/

Powell Piece 

We'll also talk to the father & lawyer for Spc. Javal Davis, one of those accused of 
abusive behavior at the prison...

We round out the show with the politics of Iraq, new polls and gay marriage with Tony 
& Howard

Tony's latest: Don't Resign, Mr. Rumsfeld 

Briefing subscriber and Communications Director for Hobart & William Smith Colleges 
Susan Hubard checks in with a dispatch from Chris' commencement address yesterday in 
Geneva, NY...."As Mark Gearan stated in his Valedictory address, "Do you realize how 
long I have waited to have the last word on Chris Matthews? Can you imagine the joy I 
have in knowing that Chris just has to sit there while I have the last word?" Brought 
a big laugh from Chris and applause from the assembled crowd.  The students really 
enjoyed Chris' speech - they were very responsive to him - I believe all beach-ball 
tossing halted while he was delivering his "five bits of advice"! It was a gorgeous 
day and a great event." Speech verbate 

>From the Briefing Mailbag

"I went up to L.A. today and did the commercial for MSNBC.  It was fun.  I put in a 
plug for The Briefing.  Hope I don't end up on the cutting room floor.  Keep your 
fingers crossed."

Nancy from Laguna Beach, CA

That's great Nancy!  We hope you make it to air too.  Thanks for reading and watching! 

Fun Quote of the Day 

"The chattering class has talked about the possibility of me becoming secretary of 
state," Biden told the National Association of Police Organizations on Wednesday. 
"That's something I would consider doing. But I would not consider being vice 
president. That's as honest as I can be about that."  (Delaware News Journal) 

Hmmm...The Briefing wonders just who are these members of the 'chattering class' that 
Biden refers to?

Dominic Bellone wrote compiled and edited The Hardball Briefing from Washington, DC

Iraq Council leader killed...The head of Iraqi Governing Council was killed Monday in 
a car bombing near a U.S. checkpoint in central Baghdad, an Iraqi official said.

A roadside bomb containing sarin nerve agent exploded near a U.S. military convoy, the 
U.S. military said Monday. Two people were treated for "minor exposure," but no 
serious injuries were reported. (AP) 

Abuse inquiry shifts focus...The focus of the Iraq prisoner abuse scandal shifted 
Sunday with a report in Newsweek magazine on whether the Bush administration 
established a legal basis that opened the door for the mistreatment. 

Powell: Pre-war intel on Iraq labs was 'inaccurate'...Some information said 
'deliberately' misleading http://msnbc.msn.com/id/4997766/

Gay marriages begin in Mass...Same-sex couples will legally exchange vows Monday when 
Massachusetts becomes the first U.S. state to allow gay marriage, an election-year 
milestone likely to fuel legal and political battles nationwide.

Bush, Kerry head to Topeka...President Bush and rival John Kerry are marking 50 years 
of school integration at the symbolic home of the movement, celebrating at separate 
events what became a turning point in national race relations. (AP) 

Bush's Job Approval Drops to Record Low 42%; Kerry Up By 5 Points Over Bush 47%-42%;  
Iraq Disapproval Rate Rises to 64%; Majority Says US Headed in the Wrong Direction and 
 "It's Time for Someone New" New Zogby International Poll Reveals 

Bush advises graduates to do good in the world...In visit to Mo., president raises 
millions of dollars (AP) http://msnbc.msn.com/id/4952734/

Kerry vows to toughen trade deals...Democratic hopeful speaks at Teamsters meeting 
(AP) http://msnbc.msn.com/id/4993636/

A conservative grassroots organization is launching a petition drive to force Sen. 
John F. Kerry to resign his seat - claiming he missed a key vote last week due to his 
presidential campaigning. (The Boston Herald) 

Some U.S. troops in S. Korea may go to Iraq...Pentagon request confirmed, figure of 
4,000 reported (AP) http://msnbc.msn.com/id/4997741/

The Decent Thing...America's tough tactics have miffed the British, who have a softer 
post conflict style (Newsweek) http://msnbc.msn.com/id/4988024/

Powell scolds aide after interview interrupted...'I don't think that's appropriate,' 
host Tim Russert says (MSNBC) http://msnbc.msn.com/id/4992866/

Michael Moore admitted Sunday that his "Fahrenheit 9/11" still does not have a distrib 
-- "Maybe some distributors are afraid of the film" -- but vowed the film must open in 
the U.S. before the election. "George W. Bush has to be removed from office," he 
declared. (Variety) 

Sopranos: Checking the weekly body count...A roundup of the deaths, marriages, great 
lines, fashion flubs and other "Sopranos" factoids. By Gael Fashingbauer Cooper


The Washington Times: Bush's conservative support...The liberal media has been hard at 
work trying to persuade Americans that President Bush is in trouble with his 
conservative base of voters. 

Howard: Political winds are favoring Kerry...Democrat intends to ride Iraq hurricane 
into office http://msnbc.msn.com/id/4961687/

Barnicle: U.S. touch is unmistakable in weary Iraq 

Charley Reese on Iraq: Better to be Children 

Ilana: The City on a Hill goes to Sodom 

Vest: Implausible Denial...The Pentagon's Stephen Cambone claims he's out of the loop. 

Landfield: McGreevey's Reality Show: 'Who Wants to Tax a Millionaire?' 

Doonesbury http://www.ucomics.com/doonesbury/

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