            The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Mission accomplished?

The Washington Post reports today that top members in the U.S. military believe 
they have dealt "devastating and perhaps irreversible blows" to al-Qaeda in 
Iraq in recent months. Hardball's David Shuster will have a report with the 
latest reaction from the White House. Then we'll hear from Washington Post 
reporter Tom Ricks, who wrote today's story, and TIME fmr. Baghdad bureau chief 
Bobby Ghosh on what lies ahead for the U.S. mission in Iraq.

In an event reminiscent of the anti-war demonstrations of the sixties, 
musicians and religious leaders will come together tomorrow night for a peace 
concert at Washington National Cathedral. Musicians David Crosby and Graham 
Nash will perform at the concert and tonight they'll tell you what reaction 
they hope to get from the public.

Then, Radio talk show host Don Imus has reportedly inked a deal to return to 
the airwaves this December. But has Imus truly paid the price for his 
derogatory comments earlier this year about the Rutgers women's basketball 
team? That's our Hardball Debate with MSNBC's Pat Buchanan and Georgetown Univ. 
Professor Michael Eric Dyson.

Plus, Sen. Larry Craig (R-ID) breaks his silence on his arrest in an airport 
sex sting -- who does he feel threw him "under the campaign bus?" And, which 
'08 GOP candidate has been noticeably absent from the campaign trail after last 
week's debate?

We'll have a roundtable discussion of these stories and more with Newsweek's 
Howard Fineman, WashingtonPost.com's Chris Cillizza and the Financial Times' 
Chrystia Freeland.

For the latest on all of today's political news, go to the best political 
website www.politics.msnbc.com , powered by NBC News and the National Journal. 
And, don't forget to check out NBC's "First Read" and MSNBC.com's political 

Vidhya Murugesan compiled the "Hardball Briefing" from Washington, D.C.

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