Is the M2Web code namespaced in a VA recognized namespace?  I think it is essential to maintain the VistA coding practices in some areas in order to avoid large conflicts in the future.

Kevin Toppenberg wrote:

comments below

--- John Leo Zimmer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'm aiming toward Boston and I'm attempting to fancy
up Bhaskar's  
install/run script. My ultimate goal is to include
the installation of m2web  
into the scripts:  

Do you mean that you will have the script
automatically install M2web on the system?  Why not
simply install it, then create a master disk.  This
would involve having Bhaskar burn a new Viva disk. 
The same could apply for VPE.  I think it should come

1.) I've added a test to ...OpenVistA/vista to
switch from Xdialog to plain  
old dialog in the absence of Xwindows, like so:  
if [[ -z $DISPLAY ]] ; then dialog --infobox "X not
running" 0 0 ;  
$vista_source/dvista ; exit 1  
1b.) ?? How do I add a test for the <<absence>> of
Xdialog itself??  

Xdialog is a file that lives in /urs/bin.  I think you
could do a "file-exists" type function.  I don't know
what this is in Linux, but it should be standard.

2.) Now I have a new script "...OpenVistA/dvista"
that uses dialog instead  
of Xdialog. I will post that here if anyone needs it
before Boston.  
3.) I've added a menu option to do a rundown to both
scripts. This works 
nicely and can be branched to on exit from GTM> so
the user can agree to 
rundown routinely:  
case $action in  
  "Run")                    ...snip  
  "Erase")                  ...snip  
  "Install (and run)")      ...snip  
  "Rundown") clear  
            `$gtm_dist/mupip rundown -r "*"`  
            Xdialog --infobox "rundown finished" 0 0
6000 ; exit 1  

I like this a lot.

I you were to try to make that script act like a
Windows install wizard, it might be nice to have it
create a text file that specifies the state of the
computer.  This way it could recognize that GTM has
already been installed, and change the options
presented to the user.  I.e. don't prompt for a
uninstall option unless it has been installed etc.

Also, do you know Xdialog well enough to include a
graphic on the dialog box at start up.  It would make
it look much more professional.

3.) The addition of m2web's installation is giving
me trouble, partly  
because Jim Self uses environmental variables
>From m2web-vista-cgi:  
#invoke GT.M for M2Web CGI  
export m2web="/usr/local/m2web"  
export vista_home="/usr/local/vista/OpenVistA"  
export gtm_sysid=""  
export gtm_dist="/usr/local/gtm"  
export gtm_log="$gtm_dist/log"  
export gtmgbldir="$vista_home/g/mumps.gld"  
export gtmroutines="$vista_home/o($m2web/w
$vista_home/r) $gtm_dist"  
Bhaskar's script uses $vista_source where Jim's has
And Bhaskar uses $vista_home for the location of the
directory in which  
Vista will run.  

Not sure I can help you here.  I think that the
$vista_home variable will only be referenced from the
install script.  I don't think that GT.M needs it, and
VistA don't need it.  So you could search-and-replace
it in Bhaskar's install script.  On the other hand,
M2Web may well reference the variable, so it might be
dicey changing that.  So if I were doing this, I would
try to search in Bhaskar's script for all $vista_home
instances and rename them to $vista_home_1 or

Glad you are working on this.


Can you post a URL where I can download the M2Web code
and install it?


Guidance from Bhaskar and Jim would be appreciated. 

jlz   .... better grandfather than programmer.  
Bhaskar, KS wrote:  
[KSB] If you are still in the process of setting
up GT.M and the  
environment (vs. configuring VistA itself), let me
suggest a much faster  
alternative.  You will need Xdialog
( on your PC  
for this approach.  
Download an OpenVistA SemiVivA file (either
OpenVistA SemiVivA 0.4 or  
OpenVistA SemiVivA FOIA Gold 20050212), say to
/Distrib/OpenVistA.  The  
following will install GT.M and OpenVistA (replace
the filename in the  
second line with appropriate name of downloaded
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Greg Kreis

"You are today where your thoughts have brought you, you will
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