It has gotten to the point where I am having to approve several postings a week from people not on this list, or who are on this list but are posting from an address that is not subscribed. I've waffled back and forth between approving and not approving them. I've decided I need to automatically reject all messages with a note asking people to subscribe (see rationale at end of message).

Starting now, posts to this list from a sender that is not subscribed will be rejected. The poster will be notified to subscribe the address they used or repost from a subscribed address.

Here is a link to documentation at the SourceForge site on how to manage your subscription(s).

Here is the specific section from the above link that relates to multiple subscriptions.

Under some circumstances, a user may wish to regularly receive mail on one email address, but post from a different email address. In cases where this will be done frequently, or in cases where list posting is limited to list subscribers, a simple configuration change should be made.

First, subscribe both the standard receiving email address and the posting email address to the mailing list. Next, access the subscription preferences for the subscription of the "posting only" email address. From the subscription preferences page, you can specify that you would like to have a "nomail" subscription. By selecting this subscription type, mail will not be delivered to the subscribed email address from the list, but you will continue to enjoy other subscriber benefits, such as the ability to post to the list.

I've updated the mailing list subscription page at Hardhats to make this policy clear.

Thank you for using the Hardhats mailing list and helping others.

P.S. ** Rationale for my decision **

Presently, I have to log into the admin page, approve the message, then send a separate message to the sender and ask them to subscribe. Then I need to keep track of who I have asked to subscribe and who I haven't so I know how to handle more postings from the same address. Oiy... Also, posts are hung up until I approve them.

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