You could actually set X to 2 like this

S X1="(1+1)"
S @("X="_X1)

This is a use of indirection that looks a bit odd, because it is being applied to a string built on the fly, and the string evaluates to the argument of the command (SET).
Gregory Woodhouse

"Before one gets the right answer, one must ask the right question." -- S. Barry Cooper

On Jun 12, 2005, at 6:04 PM, Kevin Toppenberg wrote:

I keep getting a crash when I try to edit a screenman
form.  Actually, when I first launch Vista, it works
fine.  It always on the second time that I try to edit
the form that I get a crash (or a hang.)

The error is:
Indirection string contains extra trailings"

The error line is:
.. S @("K="_$P(T,";",2))

I don't understand what this is doing... set @ ??,
setting to what?

Here is the relevant info.  Any help would be


Here is the function that the crash occurs in...

GETKEY  ;Get key sequences and defaults
        N AU,AD,AR,AL,F1,F2,F3,F4,I,K,N,T
        S AU=$P(DDGLKEY,U,2)
        S AD=$P(DDGLKEY,U,3)
        S AR=$P(DDGLKEY,U,4)
        S AL=$P(DDGLKEY,U,5)
        S F1=$P(DDGLKEY,U,6)
        S F2=$P(DDGLKEY,U,7)
        S F3=$P(DDGLKEY,U,8)
        S F4=$P(DDGLKEY,U,9)
        F N="","S","D" D
        . S DDGF(N_"IN")="",DDGF(N_"OUT")=""
        . F I=1:1 S T=$P($T(@(N_"MAP")+I),";;",2,999)
Q:T=""  D
        .. S @("K="_$P(T,";",2)) <-----** Error
        .. I DDGF(N_"IN")'[(U_K) D
        ... S DDGF(N_"IN")=DDGF(N_"IN")_U_K
        ... S DDGF(N_"OUT")=DDGF(N_"OUT")_$P(T,";")_U
        . S DDGF(N_"IN")=DDGF(N_"IN")_U
        . S
MAP     ;Keys for main screen

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