On Mon, 2005-06-13 at 12:22, Greg Woodhouse wrote:
> Sorry, I'm not familiar with it. Is GTK a toolkit for use with X11?
> What languages does it support/require (C, C++, Python)?

It works on X  and W2K, although why use W2k is beyond me.  I think it
works for Mac's as well.

There are binders for it for C, C++, Object C, Python, Perl, and more. 
Its also supported by Novel we hosted Nat Freedman and the Gnome
Foundation last year here in Brooklyn for the Gnome Developers meeting.

>From the Gnome website, which GTK is a part of:

Language bindings
One of the primary goals of GNOME is to facilitate using GNOME from any
programming language. By allowing the development of programs in the
language that best meets the task, productivity and program quality

Language bindings for GTK+ are available for a wide variety of
languages, and many of these languages have support for GNOME libraries.
This list is a brief summary of the language bindings that support the
GNOME 2.x Developer Platform libraries, and may be practical for your
project. Specific information about each language binding can be found
on their respective homepages.

GNOME Platform Bindings
The projects below follow the GNOME schedule, and GNOME Bindings rules
which guarantee API stability and time-based releases. These projects
make an effort to track the changes in the GNOME Developer Platform.

C++ (gtkmm)
The gtkmm project provides comprehensive support for GNOME, including
the basic GNOME libs, GConf, libglade, libXML, gnome-vfs,
libgnomecanvas, as well as Bonobo and gnome-db. Additional features
include exception handling, simplified memory management, typesafety,
and namespaces. The Bakery framework can be used to rapidly develop
applications using the document/view architecture. The documentation on
gtkmm is outstanding.

Java (Java-GNOME)
Java-GNOME provides bindings for libglade, GConf, and libgnomecanvas, in
addition to the basic gnome libraries. The documentation is complete.
The Java ORB can connect to ORBit2 to talk to GNOME's CORBA and Bonobo

Perl (gtk2-perl)
The gtk2-perl bindings provide access to the basic GNOME libs, plus
libgnomecanvas, gnome-vfs, libglade and GConf. Bindings for other GNOME
libraries are also available, including Gnomeprint, GtkSpell, libegg
tray, libvte and libwnck. 

Python (PyGTK)
PyGTK supports most of GNOME's widgets and application frameworks. The
GNOME libs, GConf, gnome-vfs, libglade, XML/XSLT are complete.
Components can be built with ORBit2 and Bonobo. Bindings for other GNOME
libs like Gnomeprint, gtkhtml2, gtkmozembed, GStreamer, gtksourceview,
and panel-applets can be used.

Other bindings
Ada (GtkAda)
GNOME/Ada provides libgnomeui and libbonoboui support for Ada95, and is
maintained as an extension of GtkAda project. XML/Ada can be used for
processing XML data and documents, and PolyORB is available for
distributed computing. The project also produces GPS, an IDE with source
management, browsing, editing and debugging tools for GTK and GNOME

C# (GTK#/Mono)
GTK#/Mono includes a comprehesive set GNOME bindings, including the
Gnome libs, GConf, libglade, gnome-vfs, and panel applets. Bindings for
other GNOME libs, like RSVG, gtksourceview, Gnome-DB and GStreamer are
available. The Mono runtime is capable of using the functions in any
GNOME library (or any c-based library) through P/Invoke. The APIs are
well documented.

Erlang (Erlang/Gtk)
Erland/Gtk provides incomplete support for some GNOME libs like
libgnomeui and libgnomecanvas.

Haskell (Gtk2Hs)
Gtk2Hs does not support the core GNOME libs. It provides bindings for
popular GNOME libs like to libglade, GConf, gtksourceview, and

Objective-Caml (LablGTK)
LablGTK provides GTK+ bindings and GnomeCanvas widgets for Objective
Caml 3. Bindings for libglade, the panel, and RSVG are optional. The
bindings provide strongly typed data and take advantage of lablgtk's
memory management.

Pike (Pike)
Pike binds the code gnomelibs, plus libglade.

Ruby (Ruby-GNOME2)
Ruby-GNOME2 provides good bindings for the Gnome libs, GConf, XML2,
gnome-vfs, and Bonobo. Bindings for panel-applets, libgda, gthhtml2,
gtksourceview, RSVG, trayicon, and GStreamer is also available. The APIs
are well documented, and a class browser is available.

Scheme (Guile-gtk/Guilt-gobject)
Guile-gtk's Guile-gobject line of development provides bindings for
Gnome libs, libglade, GConf, XML2, and Bonobo. Additional bindings for
panel-applets, Gnomeprint, gtkhtml are also available. Some
documentation and examples can be found from the Guilt-gtk homepage
including a link to its Savannah project page.

TCL (Gnocl)
Gnocl provides the basic bindings to GNOME widgets plus gnome-vfs. The
documentation is complete.

Of course, you can write any binding that you want.

Straight GTK on the rocks is even more flexible


GTk for w32 and XP

OSX and Macs


and a world of more stuff.  It never ends


> Incidentally, I was a little surprised when I recently upgraded my
> PowerBook to Tiger that X11 was an installation option (though it is
> not selected by default). I haven't done anything with X11 in a LONG
> time.
> --- Ruben Safir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Mon, 2005-06-13 at 11:13, Greg Woodhouse wrote:
> > > The user interface is really orthogonal to the database technology.
> > > Thee is no reason why a Java based UI could not be built for a
> > > based application.
> > 
> > All too true, but Java itself should be way down the list of options.
> > The GTK widget set is a much better choice for cross platform
> > compatibility, support, and speed. 
> > 
> > Ruben
> "The most profound technologies are those that disappear."
> --Mark Weiser
> ====
> Greg Woodhouse 
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