On Mar 17, 2006, at 6:12 PM, Richard Schilling wrote:

The whole concept of rewriting CPRS in Java gives us the opportunity to look at the notion of a persistence layer versus a true object store.

In your original post, you focused primarily on object storage and access. Those are important, of course, but we can hardly ignore the question of how that database should be queried: What is the most natural way to refer to objects? If we have OIDs we're in business (but we haven't accomplished very much. ODMG (see http:// www.odmg.org) includes a generalization of SQL known as OQL (but ultimately, the concept isn't that different). Following Date and Darwen (Third Manifesto) the extent of a class effectively becomes a domain, and OQL is rejecdted as confusing tuples and objects. The theoretical point seems valid to me, but it is hard to imagine how a query mechanism based only on predicates can really be practical. (For what it's worth, I see Fileman as being closest in spirit to the ODMG model.)

Gregory Woodhouse

"Before one gets the right answer, one must ask the right question." -- S. Barry Cooper

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