-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: [DRLVM][JET] write barrier for Java (mmtk)
Date: Thu, 12 Oct 2006 11:18:20 +1000
From: Robin Garner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: harmony-dev@incubator.apache.org

My standard practice, at least at this early stage of development, is to
try to track SVN head as far as possible.  When you get close to
release, sure, freeze versions.  It's a process choice, and up to you.

I realise there might be issues with you accessing svn head directly - I'm happy to cut you a new jar file whenever you like. The current version is at http://cs.anu.edu.au/people/Robin.Garner/mmtk-20061012.jar

AFAIK, Steve's private release to you was an *advance* release, that SVN
trunk has now overtaken (he didn't want to commit it until after the
JikesRVM 2.4.5 release).

More in another reply.

Weldon Washburn wrote:
hmm.... we may have version skew going on here. Mikhail, Robin can we stay
with the July 14 (or there abouts) version that Steve Blackburn posted to
his web page?

On 10/11/06, Mikhail Fursov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 10/11/06, Weldon Washburn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Robin,
> Thanks for helping clarify the issues. The MMTk code base we are using
> what Steve Blackburn supplied us in mid July.

Looks like 'unboxed' package from MMTk has been updated recently too. I've
found 'Address::prefetchNTA()' op today we do not have in our version.

On ia62/x64 systems, prefetch and prefetchNTA should be synonymous.

Mikhail Fursov

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