Mazel tov to Heidi!  A well-deserved award. Heidi has always inspired AJL
to look to the future and try new things.

Joy Kingsolver

On Fri, Jan 22, 2016 at 10:26 AM, Taub, Aaron <> wrote:

> Dear Colleagues,
> Congratulations to Heidi Estrin on winning the 2016 Fanny Goldstein Merit
> Award!  A citation is below.  And many thanks to all of the committee
> members for their thoughtful deliberation.
> Best wishes,
> Aaron Taub, Chairperson
> On behalf of the Fanny Goldstein Merit Award Committee
> Etta Gold
> Heidi Lerner
> Joyce Levine
> Aaron Taub
> ========================================================================================================================
> The Fanny Goldstein Merit Award Committee of the Association of Jewish
> Libraries (AJL) is delighted to announce that *Heidi Rabinowitz Estrin*
> is the winner of the 2016 Fanny Goldstein Merit Award [link to
>   The Fanny Goldstein Merit Award, named for the librarian, social activist
> and founder of National Jewish Book Month, is bestowed in recognition of
> loyal and ongoing contributions to the Association and to the profession of
> Jewish librarianship.
> Born on May 15, 1895 [some sources say 1888], Fanny Goldstein devoted her
> life to books and community. She was the first female Judaica librarian and
> the first woman to direct a branch library in Massachusetts, where she was
> head of Boston's West End Branch for many years. A prominent figure in the
> Boston Jewish community, she is best known as the founder of Jewish Book
> Week, which began when Goldstein organized a display of Jewish books at the
> Boston Public Library in 1925.
> *Heidi Rabinowitz Estrin* has served AJL and the profession of Judaica
> librarianship in numerous capacities and with great distinction for many
> years.  Heidi was President of the Association of Jewish Libraries
> (2012-2014) in a tenure distinguished by inclusivity, strength, and
> candor.  Heidi was the chairperson of the Public Relations Committee
> (2005-2010) and the Sydney Taylor Book Award Committee (2004-2006).  In
> addition, she serves on the AJL Strategic Planning Committee.
> Heidi has taken the lead in increasing the visibility of AJL.  Heidi
> oversaw the recording and editing of podcasts of AJL conference sessions
> and posted them online.  She regularly posts photographs, notifications,
> and announcements about AJL on Facebook and other social media and monitors
> them to maintain an active engagement with the AJL and Jewish bibliophile
> communities.  Recently, Heidi has regularly maintained the AJL website and
> has served as the go-to person for website changes at
> Heidi has been instrumental in promoting Jewish literature.  She has
> interviewed numerous authors on her *Book of Life: a Podcast about Jewish
> People and the Books We Read [link to:
> <>] *and carefully edited those
> interviews into lively listening for lovers of Jewish books everywhere.
> Having just celebrated its tenth year, these extraordinary podcasts are
> notable for their thoughtful engagement with Jewish texts and their
> authors.   Heidi also spearheaded *AJL Reads [link to:
> <>], *a call-in book
> club for discussion among members around a given book.
> And in addition to all of her AJL activities, Heidi works as the Library
> Director and Media Specialist at Congregation B’nai Israel in Boca Raton,
> Florida.  Heidi also has been the long-term president of the South Florida
> Chapter of the Association of Jewish Libraries (link to:,
>  tirelessly doing all she can to keep this disparate group together and to
> bring AJL’s message and mission to the South Florida region.
> To all of these many tasks and initiatives, Heidi brings her
> characteristic warmth, wisdom, and vision.  The Committee offers its
> deepest thanks to Heidi Rabinowitz Estrin for all of her many contributions
> to AJL and the field of Judaica librarianship and wishes her continued
> success for many years to come.
> __
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> and are not necessarily endorsed by the Association of Jewish Libraries
> (AJL)
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