Dear Friends and Colleagues:

The synagogue where I am employed has decided to severely cut the librarian 
position down to 8 hours a month.  Needless to say, I will be leaving by June 
15 (maybe June 8). I was informed that they will be planning for a library 
commons or educational commons, but as is the case for many a synagogue, it may 
not include a librarian - or at least, not me.  Like a Hillel sandwich,  I've 
been feeling the sting of maror but also the sweetness of charoset.  The 
collection here is full of incredible treasures and I have been privileged to 
tend it and share it for 12 years.  Its historical legacy has touched many!  It 
will evolve without me and I will evolve without it.  I'm already embracing the 
next chapter!

Though I had planned to attend the conference, I have changed my plans and will 
not be there this year, sadly.  I know that it will be fabulous and I will miss 
seeing you all!  I hope to show up next year, if only for a day or a meal!  It 
has been a great ride and I will likely stay involved with AJL for another 
year. My home email is<> in case you 
would like to stay in touch.

Kol Tov,
Toby Harris, Librarian
Temple De Hirsch Sinai
206-693-3379<tel:206-693-3379> Seattle
425-559-2578<tel:425-559-2578>  Bellevue<>

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