Hi Everyone!

Congratulations and welcome home to the 238 new olim that 
made aliyah to Israel from North America. The NBN aliyah charter 
flight arrived in Israel this morning (Tuesday, July 22).
During these difficult days, may this aliyah give hope, strength 
and optimism to the entire Jewish nation.

I took 168 photos of this historic event and I posted them 
online at:

I also posted the 168 photos on Facebook for name tagging.
The Facebook album address is:

If you have a Facebook acccount and you are in the photos or 
see someone you know, please feel free to name tag the photos.

May the aliyah from all over of the world grow and bring 
more Jews back to their homeland, Eretz Yisrael.

May the wounded have a speedy and full recovery.

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