On Jan 2, 2013, at 10:52 AM, Mike Meyer <m...@mired.org> wrote:

> [Context destroyed by top posting.]
> MigMit <miguelim...@yandex.ru> wrote:
>> But really, "Design by Contract" — a theory? It certainly is a useful
>> approach, but it doesn't seem to be a theory, not until we can actually
>> prove something about it, and Eiffel doesn't seem to offer anything in
>> this direction.
> You just stated (briefly, and not very rigorously) the theory: DbC is a 
> useful approach to programing. Note that it's a theory about *programming*, 
> not the resulting program.

Well, you can call that a theory, for sure. But I think it's usually called an 
"observation". I always thought the theory is something that allows us to 
develop some new knowledge. Just stating that "comfortable chairs make 
programmers more productive" doesn't constitute a theory.

> Type classes are the wrong feature to look at. Type signatures are closer to 
> what DbC is. Are type signatures a hack to get around deficiencies in the 
> type inferencing engine? After all, you can strip all of them away and have 
> essentially the same program.

I've tried to clarify my position in my response to Bob Hutchison.
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