Hi Johan,

you are right all libraries could be compiled at least on Linux (maybe even Mac OS) and the bindings could be too. I simply have no time currently to mainain another platform. I started on Windows, because I like it and I thought its the platform with the most gamers. I got in troubles with the linux toolchain on Windows (gcc with Mingw) for Ogre and switched to the MSVC based Ogre libraries, not considering that possibly the Ogre Linux libraries directly on Linux might work well. If there is time or sombody volunteers a Linux version can be built, I'm quite sure.



Johan Holmquist schrieb:
Looks nice!

I am curious as to why this is Windows only. Of the listed libraries
(Ogre, CEGUI, SFML, enet, BulletPhysics, Vect, netwire) none seem to
be platform specific.


2013/3/20 Ivan Perez <ivanperezdoming...@gmail.com>:
This is very cool. I've been keeping an eye on this library for a few

Keep it on!

On 19 March 2013 15:18, Heinrich Apfelmus <apfel...@quantentunnel.de> wrote:
Peter Althainz wrote:
Dear All,

I'm happy to announce release 0.2.1 of HGamer3D, the game engine with
Haskell API, featuring FRP based API and FRP based GUI. The new FRP API is
based on the netwire package. Currently only available on Windows:

Nice work!

Of course, I have to ask: what influenced your choice of FRP library in
favor of  netwire  instead of  reactive-banana ?

Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


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