On Sep 14, 2006, at 16:20 , [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Michael Shulman wrote:
So `seq` forces its first argument. When we define
  f x = x `seq` (Return x)
we thereby get
  f _|_    == _|_
  f []     == Return []
  f (x:xs) == Return (x:xs)
To compare, the semantics of (evaluate) is
  evaluate _|_    == ThrowException =/= _|_
  evaluate []     == Return []
  evaluate (x:xs) == Return (x:xs)
That should answer your question.

I must not be phrasing my question very well; I feel like we're
talking past each other.  It seems to me that when writing actual
programs (rather than reasoning about denotational semantics) the
reason one would use `seq' or `evaluate' is to force something to be
evaluated "now" rather than "later", i.e. to get around Haskell's
default lazy execution.

Your semantics say that (x `seq` return x) and (evaluate x) have the
same result when x is anything other than _|_. All well and good, but (return x) *also* has those same results when x is not _|_. Why would one use the former two rather than (return x), if x is known not to be _|_? Because they evaluate x at different "times", right? Even though the eventual return value is the same, and thus the *semantics* are the same. So laying aside the formal semantics, what is the difference in
terms of actual, real, Haskell programs?

You are right, I completely forgot that executing a real Haskell program
is a graph reduction and that `seq`'s purpose is to control this
reduction and associated memory usage. But it's possible to use
denotational semantics as an approximation to the actual graph reduction.

No, you were right the first time. :) The denotational semantics is the important one. Haskell can be executed by other means than graph reduction. (That's why the report says a "non-strict" rather than "lazy" language.) Peculiar language constructs may allow you to tell the difference, but then they are highly dubious (and like all dubious things, they should be in the IO monad :) ).

        -- Lennart

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