Michael Mossey wrote:
incrCursor :: State PlayState ()
incrCursor =
  cur <- gets playState_cursor
  len <- gets playState_len
  let newCur = min (cur+1) (len-1)
  modify (playState_update_cursor newCur)

Whoa, I just realized I'm not using 'modify' to full advantage. This can be written

incrCursor = modify incrCursor'
incrCursor' (PlayState cursor len verts doc) =
  PlayState (min (cursor+1)(len - 1)) len verts doc)

Hmm, I'm already feeling better about the State monad.

Additional question: what is proper terminology here?

"incrCursor is a monad"
"incrCursor is a monadic function"
"incrCursor is a monadic type"
"State is a monad"
"State is a type constructor of a monad"
"State is a monadic type"
"incrCursor is a monadic computation"

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