On 08/07/10 09:08, Michael Mossey wrote:
data PlayState = PlayState
                 { playState_cursor :: Int
                 , playState_verts :: [Loc]
                 , playState_len :: Int
                 , playState_doc :: MusDoc

Notice how often the characters "playState_" get typed. This would be a great situation for Emacs abbreviations. When you define an abbreviation in Emacs, such as defining "xps" to expand to "PlayState", emacs will watch for the characters xps. It will then replace "xps" with "PlayState" when you type a non-alphanumeric character following "xps". So if I type "xps." the moment I hit "." it changes to "PlayState."

But I would have a hard time using this feature with "playState_" because it is always followed by an alphanumeric character.

What about auto-completion? With that set of definitions, typing pl<expand-key> should give you playState_ (it expands to the longest unambigious expansion), and adding c<expand-key> should give you playState_cursor. So you get the full thing for about five keystrokes, without any worrying about alphanumeric vs non-alphanumeric.

I have completion bound to tab in emacs (a la tab completion in the shell): "(global-set-key (kbd "TAB") 'dabbrev-expand)" and am pretty happy with this for Haskell coding. dabbrev-expand does not perform any Haskell-specific context-sensitive completion -- it just picks words out of open buffers, but I've found this to work to my satisfaction. One additional nice thing is that after a completed word, if you press space then <expand-key> again, it inserts the most common next word after your previous completion based on open buffers. Since in Haskell function calls and types are separated by spaces, this allows you to quickly complete common "phrases" from your Haskell code.


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