A few points,

* The text in Synopsis part is typically wide. (See
Ocean style)
I think it would be more *usable *if it was at the bottom of the page (again
with a similar button and open/close toggling effect)

* On my browser (firefox on a mac) if I select any of the two styles other
than Ocean, module pages seem like they do not apply any style. And also
they still reference ocean.css. A cookie problem or something like that?

* Opening the synopsis frame (either at its current position or at the
bottom of the page) might be better if it was implemented as a preference.
Namely, if I open the synopsis frame in a module page, I'd possibly like to
see it in the next modules page as well. Carrying that information to the
same extend as preferred style information sounds like a better idea to me.

Thanks for the work!


On 4 August 2010 06:00, Mark Lentczner <ma...@glyphic.com> wrote:

> The Haddock team has spent the last few months revamping the look of the
> generated output. We're pretty close to done, but we'd like to get the
> community's input before we put it in the main release.
> Please take a look, and then give us your feedback through a short survey
> Sample pages:  http://www.ozonehouse.com/mark/snap-xhtml/index.html
> Frame version: http://www.ozonehouse.com/mark/snap-xhtml/frames.html
> Survey:
> http://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?formkey=dHcwYzdMNkl5WER1aVBXdV9HX1l5U3c6MQ
> Short link to same survey:
>        http://bit.ly/9Zvs9B
> Thanks!
>        - Mark
> Mark Lentczner
> http://www.ozonehouse.com/mark/
> irc: MtnViewMark
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