I really like the color scheme and the Javadoc looking frames.

One suggestion I can make is to have the index show all the functions with
type signatures without having to pick a letter. A lot of times I'll be
looking for a function of a certain signature as opposed to a name. Indeed
an index of type signatures would great! I remember wishing I had this when
trying the understand the Parsec package.


On Wed, Aug 4, 2010 at 8:55 AM, Yitzchak Gale <g...@sefer.org> wrote:

> Mark Lentczner wrote:
> > The Haddock team...
> > Please take a look, and then give us your feedback
> Very very nice. I took the survey, but here are some comments
> I left out.
> I like the idea of the Snappy style the best, but there are two
> serious problems with it, at least in my browser (Safari):
> 1. The black on dark blue of the "Snap Packages" title makes it
> nearly unreadable for me.
> 2. The wide fonts stretch things out so far on my screen that the
> page becomes almost unusable.
> The other styles are fine, I would use them instead.
> Here is a comment I'll repeat from the survey because of its
> importance: Please add a "collapse all" button for the tree on
> the contents page. For me, that is perhaps the most urgent
> thing missing in all of Haddock. It would make that tree so
> much more usable.
> Thanks for the great work,
> Yitz
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