On 26/08/2010, Daniel Fischer <daniel.is.fisc...@web.de> wrote:
> [...]
> Well, I just gave an example where one would want chunking for reasons
> other than performance. That iteratees don't provide the desired
> functionality is a different matter.
> [...]

In the case of hashing, wouldn't it be more reasonable to consider
iterators over streams of fixed (or at least predictable) sized chunks
(where a set of chunks can themselves be chunked), with the chunking
behaviour being given by another iteratee over the original stream?

It seems to me that one of the major points of iteratees is to provide
an abstraction from the kind of chunking irrelevant to the parsing
logic, otherwise I fail to see any difference (at least relevant to
chunking) to plain strict IO.

I'm not particularly well read on anything here, so I could just
totally miss what is going on, in which case I apologise.

//Tilo Wiklund
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