On 15 December 2010 18:23, Maciej Piechotka <uzytkown...@gmail.com> wrote:

> > For reference, the new Haddock style also gives various rendering
> > issues in IE6. I reported these a while back (to Mark) but never got
> > any response.
> >
> > Thanks, Neil
> I cannot speak for anyone but from what I remember supporting MSIE is
> neither trivial nor fan. If you happen to use newer version of IE or
> even different operating system (if I remember correctly most of Haskell
> users use GNU/Linux) then you have bad luck - you have to use other
> tools like virtual machines etc. - only to find out that you have not
> been visited once by IE 6.

And you have to pay for a copy of MS-Windows to run in your VM.
I.e. YOU (read I) have to pay to support someone else's broken software.

So you wouldn't catch me trying to support IE 6 (or anything else).
Standards have a good reason for existing.
Colin Adams
Preston, Lancashire, ENGLAND
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