On Wed, 15 Dec 2010 18:45:10 +0100, Maciej Piechotka <uzytkown...@gmail.com> wrote:

You can always test on pages like

PS. BTW - does anyone have statistics on browser share on Haskell site?
According to Wikipedia IE6 have still around 16% market share but I
guess it is lower here.

Statistics from "A tour of the Haskell Monad functions" (on my site), after 15.351 pageviews:

Top 15 Browsers

 Browsers               %
 Mozilla 1.9            75,07%
 Firesomething Add-On   12,06%
 Opera 9.6              3,46%
 Internet Explorer 8.0  2,96%
 Internet Explorer 7.0  1,73%
 Mozilla 1.8            1,61%
 Internet Explorer 6.0  1,31%
 Firefox 3.0            0,43%
 General Crawlers       0,39%
 Firefox 2.0            0,23%
 Konqueror 4.2          0,17%
 Opera 9.0              0,13%
 Opera 9.5              0,07%
 Opera 9.2              0,05%
 Konqueror 3.0          0,05%

Top 10 operating systems

 Operating System   %
 Linux              53,29%
 Windows XP         24,63%
 Windows Vista      9,17%
 Macintosh OS X     8,01%
 Windows 7          2,97%
 Windows 2003       0,67%
 FreeBSD            0,56%
 SunOS              0,33%
 Windows 2000       0,29%
 Windows 98         0,04%

Henk-Jan van Tuyl


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