Hi. I try to use haddock (2.8.1) but it breaks with

haddock: internal Haddock or GHC error: de-package: openBinaryFile: does not
exist (No such file or directory)

Why would it want to read a file with the name "de-package"?
(Is "de" related to the locale? But the error also happens with LC_ALL=C)

If I do "touch de-package" in the current directory, then I get
haddock: internal Haddock or GHC error: Data.Binary.getWord8: end of file

I am running this in a directory where I did  ghc --make  before,
and then  haddock -d $(find . -name "*.hi" | sed -e 's/\.hi/.hs/')

I can't try this with haddock-2.9 since I am using ghc-6.12.3 (?)

Thanks, J.W.

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