On 12.02.2011, at 21:18, Aaron Gray wrote:

I was wondering if anyone had an idea or estimate as to how large the Haskell community is ?

All the answers made me wonder what the criterion is to be a member of the Haskell community. Are you a member if you downloaded ghc, if you have (at least once) defined a Monad instance, if you have written a hackage package, if you have contributed to the Monad.Reader, if you have a github account with at least one Haskell project, if you read at least one of the haskell mailing lists, if you contribute to a haskell mailing list (perhaps on a regular basis), if you post on reddit, if you answer/ask questions on stackoverflow, if you have written at least 10000 lines of code in Haskell, if Haskell is one of the programming languages you use, if Haskell is the one programming language you use, if you have written a PhD thesis related to Haskell, if you have asked a type related question only Oleg Kiselyov was able to answer, if you know what a Monoid is and know how to use it ... ; )

Cheers, Jan

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