On 12 February 2011 23:57, Jan Christiansen <j...@informatik.uni-kiel.de>wrote:

> On 12.02.2011, at 21:18, Aaron Gray wrote:
>  I was wondering if anyone had an idea or estimate as to how large the
>> Haskell community is ?
> All the answers made me wonder what the criterion is to be a member of the
> Haskell community. Are you a member if you downloaded ghc, if you have (at
> least once) defined a Monad instance, if you have written a hackage package,
> if you have contributed to the Monad.Reader, if you have a github account
> with at least one Haskell project, if you read at least one of the haskell
> mailing lists, if you contribute to a haskell mailing list (perhaps on a
> regular basis), if you post on reddit, if you answer/ask questions on
> stackoverflow, if you have written at least 10000 lines of code in Haskell,
> if Haskell is one of the programming languages you use, if Haskell is the
> one programming language you use, if you have written a PhD thesis related
> to Haskell, if you have asked a type related question only Oleg Kiselyov was
> able to answer, if you know what a Monoid is and know how to use it ... ; )
> Cheers, Jan

Maybe we should have some website like the Linux Counter where you can get
an official Haskell user number ?

Then advertise it well.

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