On 21/04/2011 02:36 AM, Conrad Parker wrote:
I thought the purpose of filing a bug report was to get things fixed?

The purpose of filing bug reports is to ensure that problems are not
forgotten. It allows the community (people like you) to have a useful
understanding of the problems that exist when choosing what tasks to
put time and effort into fixing.

*sigh* I guess that means the next step is to figure out if it's broken for
the Linux builds as well, or just for Windows. (Can't test for Mac OS since
I don't have access to the necessary hardware or software...)

The first step would be to make a patch that works for you, and to
attach it to the ticket.

Wouldn't that require me to somehow get hold of whatever repo contains the script for generating the Windows installer?

Then again if it's simply a matter of generating additional HTML text
(as opposed to styling/rendering issues) then it should be
straightforward to verify that the new content is added in the
generated files without worrying about other platforms.

I imagine the issue is something utterly trivial list a line of text missing from a file - which is why I'm so surprised that the problem has been reported multiple times and yet not fixed...

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