On Dec 30, 2011, at 11:21 AM, Conal Elliott wrote:

> And I also raised a more fundamental question than whether this claim of 
> sameness is true, namely what is equality on IO? Without a precise & 
> consistent definition of equality, the claims like "f 42 == f (43 - 1)" are 
> even defined, let alone true. And since the conversation is about Haskell IO, 
> I'm looking for a definition that applies to all of IO, not just some 
> relatively well-behaved subset like putchar/getchar+IORefs+threads.

Well, you'll no doubt be glad to know I think I've said about all I need to say 
on this topic, but I'll add one more thing.  Threads like this I often find 
useful even when I disagree vehemently with various parties.  In this case an 
old idea I'd forgotten about was suddenly dislodged by the discussion.  A few 
years ago - the last time I got involved in a discussion on Haskell semantics - 
I spent some time sketching out ideas for using random variables to provide 
definitions (or at least notation) for stuff like IO.  I'm not sure I could 
even find the notes now, but my recollection is that it seemed like a promising 
approach.  One advantage is that this eliminates the kind of informal language 
(like "user input") that seems unavoidable in talking about IO.  Instead of 
defining e.g. readChar or the like as an "action" that does something and 
returns an char (or however standard Haskell idiom puts it), you can just say 
that readChar is a random char variable and be done with it.  The notion of 
"doing an action" goes away.  The side-effect of actually reading the input or 
the like can be defined generically by saying that evaluating a random variable 
always has some side-effect; what specifically the side effect is does not 
matter.  I mention this as a possible approach for anybody looking for a better 
way of accounting for IO in Haskell.


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