On Fri, 2011-12-30 at 12:45 -0600, Gregg Reynolds wrote:
> I spent some time sketching out ideas for using random variables to provide
> definitions (or at least notation) for stuff like IO.  I'm not sure I could
> even find the notes now, but my recollection is that it seemed like a
> promising approach.  One advantage is that this eliminates the kind of 
> informal
> language (like "user input") that seems unavoidable in talking about IO.
> Instead of defining e.g. readChar or the like as an "action" that does
> something and returns an char (or however standard Haskell idiom puts it),
> you can just say that readChar is a random char variable and be done with
> it.  The notion of "doing an action" goes away.  The side-effect of actually
> reading the input or the like can be defined generically by saying that
> evaluating a random variable always has some side-effect; what specifically
> the side effect is does not matter.

Isn't this just another way of saying the same thing that's been said
already?  It's just that you're saying "random variable" instead of "I/O
action".  But you don't really mean random variable, because there's all
this stuff about side effects thrown in which certainly isn't part of
any idea of random variables that anyone else uses.  What you really
mean is, apparently, I/O action, and you're still left with all the
actual issues that have been discussed here, such as when two I/O
actions (aka random variables) are the same.

There is one difference, and it's that you're still using the term
"evaluation" to mean performing an action.  That's still a mistake.
Evaluation is an idea from operational semantics, and it has nothing to
do with performing effects.  The tying of effects to evaluation is
precisely why it's so hard to reason about programs in, say, C
denotationally, because once there is no such thing as an evaluation
process, modeling the meaning of terms becomes much more complex and
amounts to reinventing operational semantics in denotational clothing)\.

I'd submit that it is NOT an advantage to any approach that the notion
of doing an action goes away.  That notion is *precisely* what programs
are trying to accomplish, and obscuring it inside functions and
evaluation rather than having a way to talk about it is handicapping
yourself from a denotational perspective.  Rather, what would be an
advantage (but also rather hopeless) would be to define the notion of
doing an action more precisely.

Chris Smith

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