Hi Brent,

Would scoutess [1] fit there? There still are *many* things to do in
scoutess, and these things can be split up in pretty simple tasks. And when
you say 4 weeks, you mean aside from the other courses they have I guess?

[1] http://patch-tag.com/r/alpmestan/scoutess/wiki/

On Fri, Mar 16, 2012 at 9:28 PM, Brent Yorgey <byor...@seas.upenn.edu>wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> I am currently teaching a half-credit introductory Haskell class for
> undergraduates.  This is the second time I've taught it.  The last
> time, for their final project I gave them the option of contributing
> to an open-source project; a couple groups took me up on it and I
> think it ended up being a modest success.
> So I'd like to do it again this time around, and am looking for
> particular projects I can suggest to them.  Do you have an open-source
> project with a few well-specified tasks that a relative beginner (see
> below) could reasonably make a contribution towards in the space of
> about four weeks? I'm aware that most tasks don't fit that profile,
> but even complex projects usually have a few "simple-ish" tasks that
> haven't yet been done just because "no one has gotten around to it
> yet".
> If you have any such projects, I'd love to hear about it!
> Here are a few more details:
> * The students will be working on the projects from approximately the
>  end of this month through the end of April.
> * By "relative beginner" I mean someone familiar with the material
>  listed here: http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~cis194/lectures.html and just
>  trying to come to terms with Applicative and Monad.  They definitely
>  do not know much if anything about optimization/profiling, GADTs,
>  the mtl, or Haskell-programming-in-the-large.  (Although part of the
>  point of the project is to teach them a bit about
>  programming-in-the-(medium/large)).
> * What I would hope from you is a willingness to exchange email and/or
>  chat with the student(s) over the course of the project, to give
>  them a bit of guidance/mentoring.  I am certainly willing to help on
>  that front, but of course I probably don't know much about your
>  particular project.
> thanks!
> -Brent
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