>I have longstanding dislike of Haskell's expression conditional:
>       The problem comes when several conditions are
>       present, provoking a rightward march.  In this case I use
>               if test1 then
>                       part1
>               else if test2 then
>                       part2
>               else
>                       part3
>       but I don't like it (the conditional expressions are not lined up and
>       they tend to be buried in thickets of else-if-then keywords).

You can define your own "sequential if" a la Hoare:

       data GuardedExp a = Bool :? a

       seqif :: [GuardedExp a] -> a
       seqif [True:?a] = a
       seqif ((b:?a):x:xs) = if b then a else seqif (x:xs) 

and then you can write:

       seqif [
              test1 :? part1,
              test2 :? part2,
              test3 :? part3

doing your proposal just another way of write this. 
As pointed out by Tommy Thorn, re-using case will be confusing
and redundant.

Pablo E. Martinez Lopez (Fidel).

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