A couple of minor counter-quibbles:-

Pablo E. Martinez Lopez suggests:
> You can define your own "sequential if" a la Hoare:
>        data GuardedExp a = Bool :? a
>        seqif :: [GuardedExp a] -> a
>        seqif [True:?a] = a
>        seqif ((b:?a):x:xs) = if b then a else seqif (x:xs) 
> and then you can write:
>        seqif [
>               test1 :? part1,
>               test2 :? part2,
>               test3 :? part3
>              ]

This captures Chris' suggested conditional insofar as it corresponds to
existing Haskell if/boolean case functionality.  But this doesn't, and
can't be made to, do any sort of pattern-binding, so it's not possible
to express pattern guards like this.  (Or reduce them to such in the
same style of translation as Chris gave.)

Brian Boutel comments on Simon's:
> >    CONCLUSION: "let" should be allowed, but should introduce multiple,
> >    mutually-recursive bindings.  If any are pattern bindings then they
> >    are matched lazily, and failure to match is a program error.  Exactly
> >    as for ordinary let/where bindings, and let bindings in list
> >    comprehensions.

> Agreed.

As I understand it, this would rule out using "let p = e" as a
synonym/alternative for "p <- e"; it wouldn't give the same (or any)
"guarding" effect.  If some variant not using "<-" were to do the
same job, some other syntax than "let =" really ought to be used.
Perhaps there's a case for some general "strict let" construct, though
I can't say I've ever felt the need for it myself.


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