Simon L Peyton Jones wrote:

> That's just what I intend to do.  I don't see Std Haskell as a big
> deal, but even little deals are worth completing rather than
> leaving as loose ends... and I'm more optimistic than Paul about
> the usefulness of Std Haskell.  I would be happy to find a name
> that was less grand and final-sounding than 'Standard Haskell' though;
> but more final sounding than 'Haskell 1.5'.

`Teaching Haskell' is an obvious option, but might put too many
non-academics off.

So, considering its purpose, what about `Stable Haskell'?

(The main drawback is, of course, that the phrase `horses for courses'
springs to mind :-)  [Just couldn't resist sharing that one with you all!]

 -- David

post: DERA Malvern, St Andrews Road, Malvern, WORCS WR14 3PS, ENGLAND
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ** phone: +44 1684 895112 ** fax: +44 1684 894389

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