
I'm writing to say how I hope to progress the Standard Haskell
process.   I have updated the 'State of play' page

It now lists every change that I propose to make for Standard
Haskell.  I now propose the following plan:

* Between now and ICFP'98 we discuss these proposals.  By 'we'
  I mean anyone interested: you can post mail to the Haskell
  mailing list.  If anyone finds that an onerous burden on 
  the list I suppose I can start another, but since it is
  a shortlived thing I hope I don't have to.

* At ICFP I'll hold an open meeting of some kind to try to 
  resolve any remaining issues.

* After ICFP I'll publish a draft revised report for debugging

* A month or two later I'll freeze it

On the state-of-play page you'll find a few issues marked
'New'.  These are ones I've come across in my tidying up phase,
and are either brand new or have been little discussed.  I 
highlight them for particular attention.  

Please also pay attention to omissions: what have I missed?

Thanks for your help.


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