
On Fri, Oct 08, 1999 at 07:04:07AM -0400, Paul Hudak wrote:
> Perhaps we should create a comp.lang.haskell?  -Paul

Frankly, I think there's still enough room in c.l.functional for Haskell
related threads. However, if a discussion and vote comes up for a
Haskell newsgroup, I'll off course still vote in favor of the newsgroup.

To the mailing lists, I could imagine something like this:

haskell (or haskell-misc)   Misc discussion, may be high traffic
                            A place where new people are welcome, in addition
                            to a newsgroup if it comes to exist.
haskell-announce            Moderated announcements (new versions of
                            Haskell implementations, libraries, conferences etc)
haskell-lang                The language itself (interpretation of the report,
                            extensions, Haskell-2). I'd NOT call it haskell-2,
                            even if it mostly covers that, as if we call it
                            haskell-2, haskell-3 will be off-topic there once
                            Haskell 2 is out.
haskell-research or haskell-moderated or something like this
                            Low traffic, high level discussion group for
                            anything not covered by haskell-lang and

Perhaps haskell-lang and -research(-moderated, hence the suggestion)
could be moderated too, in a style like comp.compilers.

Globally interconnecting a mailing list and a newsgroup is prone to
problems in my eyes, so I'm against that. Nothing against locally
gating the mailing lists into no-posting or moderated (with the
submission address as moderation address) newsgroups, like

Regards, Hannah.

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