Hi all,
Two quick (ok three) fcMRI questions:

- What settings have you all been using for calculating surface-based
gradients with resting BOLD data for surface presmoothing, seed exclusion
and the like?

- Is there a a list of methods using wb_command for doing surface-based
image processing beyond simple gradient (e.g., like edge detection, etc...)
I know there is extrema detection, but just wondering what else is
available... and/or how to implement things like this...

- As a side-note, back in the Caret days there was a function where you
could click on the surface and the associated correlation map would appear
on the surface (assuming it was already made)... Did this make it into
wb_view? and/or was adapted for CIFTI files containing correlation maps?


*Alexander Li Cohen, M.D., Ph.D.*
Resident Physician
Child and Adolescent Neurology
E-mail: cohen.alexan...@mayo.edu (Medical/Science Email)
E-mail: alexco...@gmail.com (Lifetime Email)

*Mayo Clinic*
200 First Street SW
Rochester, MN 55905

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