On Fri, May 5, 2017 at 3:09 PM, Xavier Guell Paradis <xavie...@mit.edu>

> Dear HCP experts,
> I am trying to modify the group average dconn file
> (HCP_S900_820_rfMRI_MSMAll_groupPCA_d4500ROW_zcorr.dconn.nii) so that it
> only includes data from the cerebellum (even though, of course, these data
> will correspond to the connectivity of each cerebellum voxel to the rest of
> the brain).
> I have tried -cifti-restrict-dense-map inputfile COLUMN outputfile
> -vol-roi cerebellumatlas.nii
> ("cerebellumatlas.nii" is a cerebellum volume atlas which contains values
> for the cerebellum only)
> This has not worked.

That should work, but you need to run it again on the output of that, this
time with the ROW direction, so that both directions are cerebellum-only.
Please be more specific than "has not worked", did you get an error (and if
so, copy the error message), or did its output not match what you expected?


> I have also tried to use the -cerebellum-roi option of
> -cifti-restrict-dense-map, without writing any metric file after
> -cerebellum-roi. This also doesn't work.

This should have caused an error, as the current grayordinates space
doesn't use surfaces for cerebellum.  Additionally, if you don't provide a
required argument to an option, you will get a different kind of error.

Is there any way to tell wb_command that I only want to keep the cerebellar
> data, without having to include any file which indicates where the
> cerebellum is?

No, this isn't a use case we expected, normally we want to match existing
cifti mappings (for instance, 91k grayordinates), not make new ones.  It is
possible to get the ROI of where cerebellum data exists from the cifti
file, but since you say you already have that ROI...on the other hand, if
the specific error you got was something like "volume space doesn't match",
then you actually should derive the ROI from the cifti file, rather than
using whatever you have.

> Thank you very much,
> Xavier.
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