Dear HCP community,

I was checking the volume data (1.6 mm) from the 7T fMRI retinotopy tasks and 
found that the AP and PA volumes are not properly aligned. The problem seems to 
be due to the large susceptibility distortions at 7T. I chose two subjects at 
random (100610 and 126426) and the issue is there in both so it is potentially 

Note: I downloaded the pre-processed volume data and in there I found the data 
of interest in MNINonLinear/Results. I assumed that this is the correct data 
which has gone through the pre-processing pipeline and has been corrected for 

I’m aware that the 7T retinotopy tasks have not yet been described in the S1200 
documentation and that the data may not be final yet.

Any advice would be appreciated.

Many thanks,

Ahmad Beyh, MSc
King’s College London<>

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