News from the Human Connectome Project (HCP)

July 21, 2017

The HCP WU-Minn consortium is pleased to announce the release of extensively 
processed 3T rfMRI data associated with the HCP S1200 Data Release, the final 
release of subjects from the Young Adult HCP. This release includes group 
average dense functional connectomes and the “PTN” (Parcellation + Timeseries + 
Netmats) dataset that can be downloaded from the S1200 Project page in 
ConnectomeDB. Upon login, click "Open Dataset" or use this link:

These analyses are based on data from 1003 subjects (fMRI recon r177 + r227) in 
the S1200 data release having four complete 3T rfMRI runs (4800 timepoints 
collected), or a subset of 812 of these subjects whose fMRI data was 
reconstructed using the improved r227 recon algorithm that was in place in the 
latter two thirds of the HCP project.

Complete dataset information, including an Appendix which shows a comparison of 
the 1003 all subjects data and the 812 "recon 2" data, is provided in the 
documentation for this release:

HCP_S1200 group average functional connectivity.  MSM-All registered group 
average dense (grayordinatesXgrayordinates) functional connectomes have been 
generated from group-PCA outputs for each of the S1200 subjects groups: 1003 
subjects (recon version r177 + r227) and 812 subjects (r227 only).  These large 
(33 GB) files may be downloaded from the S1200 Project page directly, generated 
from the group-PCA Eigenmaps also available using scripts provided in the PTN 
dataset, or can be accessed remotely in Connectome Workbench wb_view 
(recommended) through links as explained in the release document.

PTN (Parcellation + Timeseries + Netmats) datasets. Group-PCA outputs were 
further processed each of the S1200 subjects groups described above, yielding 
the following outputs:

1. Group-average “parcellations”, obtained by means of group-ICA at several 
different dimensionalities (15, 25, 50, 100, 200, 300).

2. Subject-specific sets of “node timeseries” – for each subject, a 
representative time series per ICA component (“parcel”).

3. A subject-specific “parcellated connectome” – for each subject, a nodes x 
nodes matrix – the functional connectivity between node timeseries (available 
for the 1003 subject group analysis only as separate downloads for various ICA 

Stay tuned for the forthcoming release of other S1200 group average data, 
including group average surfaces and volumes, and a scene file and tutorial to 
facilitate viewing these datasets in Connectome Workbench wb_view!


WU-Minn HCP Consortium

Jennifer Elam, Ph.D.
Scientific Outreach, Human Connectome Project
Washington University School of Medicine
Department of Neuroscience, Box 8108
660 South Euclid Avenue
St. Louis, MO 63110

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