
I have a book with troubling romanization issues:

alef-mem-resh-yud bet-mem-ayin-resh-bet-alef.

The record in OCLC provides "Imre be-ma'arava (sayings in the west)," but in light of the fact that book is about the differences in the arguments and argumentation in the two Talmuds (Talmudlar? Talmudok? Talmudim? Talmudayim? Pick your poison) and the apparent grammatical structure of the title, I smell a rat. A large, mis-vocalizing, ungrammatical rat.

I suspect that the title should be correctly romanized as, "Imri bi-me'arava," reading the alef-mem-resh-yud as a verb, allowing for a bit of flexibility in the prepositional particle, and vocalizing the last as a peal participle with an article, "I spoke of the mixture." But I may be barking up the wrong tree in a strange neighborhood of a city that isn't my own. I fear I know just enough to really screw things up, thus I ask for assistance.

Please help.


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