One of the items that is currently on display in the Ira Nowinski photograph exhibit at Stanford (online exhibit accessible at: is a Karaite pocket calendar published in Israel for 5727/1966-67. In this luah Purim is a two-day holiday (14-15 Adar I, with the Fast of Esther on 13 Adar I), and fast days are noted for 9 Tammuz, 7 Ab, and 10 Ab. Karaites do not observe Hanukkah, and it is not mentioned in this calendar, but aside from this the other Karaite festivals appear to be identical to those on the roster of Rabbanite festivals. Plus, Yom ha-Sho'ah, Yom ha-Zikaron, and Yom ha-Atsma'ut are included there -- an indication of the Karaites' integration into Israeli society.

Zachary Baker
Stanford University Libraries

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