
Info Source:    "PETA" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, 05 Apr 2007 01:22:27 GMT

PETITION:  Demand immediate action from the FDA and the resignation of
commissioner Andrew von Eschenbach.

Learn more about <> why PETA wants
the FDA to investigate the possibility of vitamin D overdose or other likely
sources of contamination.

Feed your cat or dog food <>  made
by PetGuard, Newman's Own Organics, or other companies with a proven track
record of producing safe pet food.

Alarmingly, it appears that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) may not
have discovered the real source of contamination in the recalled Menu Foods
items that have caused illnesses and deaths in countless cats and dogs.

A mounting number of complaints about sick and dying animals who ate only
dry food that did not contain wheat gluten strongly suggest that another
ingredient is causing this crisis. Evidence from reputable laboratories
indicates that an excessive amount of vitamin D in pet food‹among other
possibilities‹may be to blame. Vitamin D overdoses produce symptoms similar
to those seen in animals who recently have become sick or died after
consuming only dry foods.

This week we have asked the FDA to refocus its investigations beyond wheat
gluten and consider other possible contaminants. For the safety of all our
beloved companion animals, we must not let the FDA sweep this issue under
the rug‹as the agency has done so often before with animal and human health
issues. We need to ensure that all available pet food is 100 percent safe
for dogs and cats.

PETA has also called on FDA commissioner Andrew von Eschenbach to resign
over the agency's mishandling of the pet food crisis. It is infuriating‹and
so very sad‹that cherished animals are dying horrible deaths because of a
callous and essentially unregulated pet food industry. By not exercising its
mandate and siding with Menu Foods and companies like Iams, the FDA has
forfeited the public trust‹to the detriment of companion animals.

We will continue to pressure corporate and government officials to get to
the real source of what is making animals sick and to ensure that all
available pet foods are safe. I will update you as this situation evolves.
Please also visit <> ,
which is regularly updated with late-breaking and helpful information about
this and other issues.

Thank you for your attention and your help.

Kind regards,

Ingrid E. Newkirk

<>   |  DONATE NOW

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