 i wrote a gem a year or so ago that adds some rake tasks to a RefineryCMS 
rails project (https://github.com/rounders/refinerycms-s3assets) . The rake 
tasks are meant to be run in development and they are for copying 
production s3 assets to development.

Using the heroku gem, my gem reads the s3-related heroku config vars in 
order to determine which s3 bucket to fetch the assets from and which s3 
credentials to use. Specifically the config vars are obtained as follows:

 base = Heroku::Command::BaseWithApp.new
 config_vars = base.heroku.config_vars(base.app)

It is my understanding that the heroku gem should no longer be used and 
that we should instead use the heroku-api gem. But as far as I can tell the 
heroku-api gem does not automatically handle figuring out the current 
heroku app as the heroku gem does. And there is also the issue of 
authentication, though that one isn't as much of an issue since I can ask 
users to set their HEROKU_API_KEY environment variable. 

Is there a recommended way to obtain the config vars of an app via a rake 
task without asking the user to hard code or specify the name of their 
heroku app without using the heroku gem? 

- Thanks,

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