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You wrote:
>Seven reasons why we are not 'world-class'
>Habit No 1 - Inability to use public toilet
>Habit No 2 - Reckless driving
>Habit No 3 - Sibuk (Nosing Around)
>Habit No 4 - Practising double standards
>Habit No 5 - Imitating/Replicating
>Habit No 6 - Cutting queues
>Habit No 7 - Disorganised and uncoordinated

Memang betullah masing2 kena perbaiki diri.  

Tapi dalam masa yang sama, persekitaran pun kena betul. 
Apasal agaknya orang singapore yang begitu berdisplin di 
sana, bila masuk malaysia jadi satu macam.  Sebab; kat 
sana banyak dendanya dan enforcementnya keras. Kat sini 
banyak dendanya tapi enforcementnya lembik.

Apasal enforcementnya lembik?  Sebab penguatkuasanya tak 
cukup makan.  Ketua ACA pun ada bagi pendapat yang bernas
mengenai gaji penguatkuasa (polis), tapi TPM cepat ulas 
balik dengan bahasa politiknya. Mungkin sebab fulus takdak.

Walaupun twin-tower petronas di iktiraf sebagai bangunan
world-class yang tertinggi didunia, walaupun dengan 
pertolongan tiang diatasnya,  namun hakikatnya, rata2 
keadaan sekeliling masih 10 tahun terkebelakang.  

Biarpun negara tak worldclass, disebabkan pimpinannya tak
worldclass, sebagai individu,  tiada yang menghalang kita 
jadi world-class, dan paling baik, akhirat-class sekaligus. 

Kalau larat dan berani, jalankan undang2 sendiri, sapa2
yang dok buat benda2 diatas tu, yang lelaki, cekup kolar
bajunya, dan kasi aje penampar jepung. Yang pompuan tu, 
jentik aje hidungnya. Kalau lagi berani, bila jumpa 
penguatkuasa yang minta rasuah tu, paksa dia buat sit-up,
bergantung kepada jumlah yang diminta. Itu aje cara yang
efektif. Jamin mereka tak akan buat lagi. 

Satu ketika dulu, tindakan orang kampung pi bakar kilang 
haram yang dok mencemar kampung mereka, selepas aduan 
mereka tak dilayan, itulah satu contoh cara paling efektif.
Nak harapkan penguatkuasa, baik toksah. Tapi, bila masa
bantai orang berdemo aman, sikit punya baguih depa2 ni - 
lebih dari world-class. Kebanyakan2 negara2 membangun lain
pun tak buat macam tu. Ada betui ke tidak? 


----- Original Message ----- 
From: Farid Mohd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, February 22, 2001 8:56 AM
Subject: Re: H-Net* Apa nak jadi?

 Saya bersetuju dengan pandangan saudara itu.
Marilah sama-sama kita berusaha memperbaikinya.

>From: "Ui Dann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: H-Net* Apa nak jadi?
>Date: Thu, 22 Feb 2001 00:24:55 -0000
>Seven reasons why we are not 'world-class'
>Mohammed Shakur
>2:49pm, Wed: My brain was exhausted after answering one of
the most 
>difficult online polls (conducted by one of our local major newspaper 
>publications) I have ever encountered for years. Despite most of the 
>questions that were somewhat easy, one question was really mind-boggling, 
>which goes something like, "Is KL world-class?" I had to pinch myself once 
>just to make sure that I was not dreaming.
>Is KL world-class? This is just like asking if our M-league is on par with 
>the Italian Serie A league.
>As the answer space was limited there, I list here seven defective habits 
>of some Malaysians that make KL and Malaysians far from 'world-class':
>Habit No 1 - Inability to use public toilet
>It seems that some Malaysians can't even pee in the toilet bowl - let alone 
>flush the toilet after use. Take a look at our public toilet and you'll 
>know what I mean.
>Habit No 2 - Reckless driving
>If Proton and Perodua were to cut their production costs (especially with 
>the upcoming Asean Free Trade Agreement), I would recommend one sole 
>suggestion - take off the left and right signal lights off! I guess the 
>give-left/right-signal procedure does not even exist in some Malaysians' 
>dictionary of life.
>Once, I nearly rammed upon an Isuzu Trooper (on the PLUS highway) after the 
>pakcik driving it suddenly swerved into my lane when I was travelling at 
>110kph. The authorities also need to realise that a person who drives 
>recklessly even at 60kph is more likely to face an accident compared with a 
>person who drives cautiously at 250kph (this is proven by German 
>researchers, by the way).
>Habit No 3 - Sibuk (Nosing Around)
>Ever tried wearing or doing something different and get yourselves stared 
>at like an alien? It happened to me a lot of times - the most memorable one 
>that was at the Los Angeles International Airport, when I had to perform my 
>Zuhur solat in the international departure hall. Guess what happened - 
>while I was not even bothered by the WASPs (white Anglo-Saxon Protestants), 
>African Americans, or any foreigners, I was stared at by a whole bunch of 
>Malaysians who looked as if they had not seen a person performing solat 
>Habit No 4 - Practising double standards
>Even though we are a so-called 'merdeka' country, there is still a 
>colonised bunch of Malaysians walking proud in the land. Let me narrate one 
>of the most recent incidents from a couple that I've been through. In my 
>search to find a decent piece of neckwear, I decided to visit Starhill in 
>the Bukit Bintang area in KL.
>Upon entering a famous fashion house boutique, I was not even greeted (let 
>alone given a smile), even after smiling to the sales assistant. Five 
>minutes later, a Mat Salleh gentleman went in, and immediately, the same 
>sales assistant greeted the gentleman, "Good afternoon, Sir; how can I help 
>Habit No 5 - Imitating/Replicating
>Ever come across blonde-haired woman with black eyebrows? Look further - 
>just take a stroll on the famous and 'chic' Jalan Telawi 2 in Bangsar and 
>you will come across a number of wannabe blondes. Plus, has anyone realised 
>how innovative we are in replicating? A look at our streets will show an 
>abundance of Mitsubishi Lancer (Wira) and Daihatsu Mira (Kancil) replicas 
>on the street. By the way, for all you guys out there, don't assume that 
>installing a three-inch diameter tail pipe on your Lancer/Mira replicas 
>permits you all to drive like Mika Hakkinen on the roads!
>Habit No 6 - Cutting queues
>Sometimes I wondered whether we have been taught to line up or take our 
>turns in anything at all. The 'queue-cutting' disease not only infected 
>those infamous bus stops or supermarkets, but also the classy five-star 
>hotels. Just go to any buka puasa buffet in any hotel in town, and you 
>would see how kiasu some bunch of Malaysians are even when they know the 
>food is more than enough for everyone.
>Habit No 7 - Disorganised and uncoordinated
>Have you ever come across anywhere else in the world where a four-lane 
>'highway' would be reduced to a two-lane road in less than 100m without any 
>warning signs? Or road conditions that would make even Tommi Makkinen (of 
>the Mitsubishi World Rally Championship team) think twice about driving 
>with his Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VII? To experience this, please take 
>the Jalan Damansara route from KL to Taman Tun Dr Ismail. Then you can 
>appreciate how 'skilled and experienced' our engineers are in planning 
>construction projects.
>In short, we are far from world-class standards. We can be proud with some 
>of the best and latest infrastructures, but it is our principles and 
>mentality that matter the most. Just take a look at some cities at Europe. 
>Although they don't have the most sophisticated buildings (most of their 
>buildings are hundreds of years old), they are still considered 
>sophisticated and world-class, for the culture and mentality of their 
>I may be no better than any of you guys, but if we want to be world-class, 
>think about all these small but significant habits that could be changed. 
>It is the small changes that would eventually result to big changes - let 
>alone any reform in our thinking and principles that we readers have been 
>arguing about in our letters!

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