Well--yeah. There would be some older stuff that will have issues... that may 
need to be scrambled to support what essentially would be a majorly updated 

I dunno--from my lurking so far, the main issue with the porting of these 
games are more the methodology in how the Engine currently works.

Though, it may be possible to set up a system to make the older Source games 
work natively on a cross platform engine of sorts. Most of it would be done 
via having a set of depreciated method calls for anything that would be an 
issue in itself. The depreciated methods would point to newer methods as a 
substitute at first. Until enough time has passed to allow all the code to be 
updated to fit the new engine.

Even that said--it is not like transitioning to these slight changes that 
would be need is really that easy to do.

I think it would be good for how Linux Users are currently seen by Marketing 
departments. As well--typically we are seen as "wanting everything for free"--
or something silly like that. I dunno--I have generally known most fellow 
Linux users to be more anal about paying for software, in comparison to 
Windows users which I hear over and over again the suggestion of "Just Pirate 
it!" (which this is entirely anecdotal, but most Linux users I have known 
would not want anything to do with that person)

Again--this is just a pie in the sky dream--it probably is just them 
announcing finally releasing Episodes of Duke Nukem Forever--or something along 
the lines of being more possible.

~ Katrina Payne

On Friday, June 11, 2010 12:27:01 am Adam "amckern" McKern wrote:
> There are quite a few projects that they need to keep running
> In order of games i play
> 1) Left4dead
> 2) Episodes
> 3) Counter-Strike
> 4) TF
> 5) Portal
> 6) Hidden projects that they are not talking about yet (Half-Life 3)
> --------
> Owner Nigredo Studios http://www.nigredostudios.com
> --- On Fri, 11/6/10, Katrina Payne <fullmetalhar...@nimhlabs.com> wrote:
> From: Katrina Payne <fullmetalhar...@nimhlabs.com>
> Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Source Engine 2!!!
> To: "Discussion of Half-Life Programming" <hlcoders@list.valvesoftware.com>
> Received: Friday, 11 June, 2010, 1:06 PM
> Yeah--it is kind of irritating that before they moved to Mac OS X people 
> of were all about the whole "it is hard to port from windows"
> Now people are doing the whole "well, just because it was on Win and OSX 
> not mean any other system is an option"
> I dunno--I hope that the new Source engine takes a hint from some of John 
> Carmack's work... and is rather insanely platform independant (well, the 
> code anyways) and on top of that: insanely platform aware. That is, if 
> optimization are on a platform, make use of those (such as rendering 
> systems that can thread (so to not need to use forks), FPU, etc., etc.).
> Remember when the head of Squeenix mentioned that specific platforms were not 
> the future?
> If we got this set up with Source and Steam--there would be no stopping this 
> delivery method and engine.
> I mean, all it really takes is a few of the follow in key places:
> #ifdef USE_WINDOWS
> #endif
> #ifdef USE_OSX
> #endif
> #ifdef USE_Wii
> #endif
> #ifdef USE_PS3
> #endif
> #ifdef USE_AMIGA
> #endif
> #ifdef USE_LINUX
> #end
> (then have a define passed into your compiler at compile time)
> And, it really is not that hard to find (or create) tool chains, to target a 
> different platform. Like say compiling something that will run on an ARM 
> linux from AMD64 Windows.. or from something exotic, like say SPARC Linux to 
> MIPS based AMIGA (however, this DOES require that any libraries you will be 
> compiling against, be available for what your target platform will be, on 
> system compiling it).
> Though--I REALLY doubt, that this would be part of the announcement.
> I mean, Source and Steam designed in a rather comprehensive manner, to allow 
> multiple hardware targets (which, BTW, was why the languages C and C++ were 
> created: to target multiple hardware platforms)--I dunno... from what I have 
> ranted about here, I may as well put on a tin foil boony hat, and yell on 
> street corner about how they put fluoride in the water. My suggests sound 
> as crazy.
> Here is hoping,
> Katrina Payne
> PS Crosses fingers.
> On Thursday, June 10, 2010 01:07:41 pm Joel R. wrote:
> > Is this the big surprise for E3?!  I hope it is, that would so rock!

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