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On Saturday, June 12, 2010 05:40:08 am Harry Jeffery wrote:
> Apple products aren't bad in their own nature. I just hate them
> because of how much apple charge for their computers. Also the whole
> business plan of shutting out ANYTHING and EVERYTHING that apple
> deicdes to compete with is ridiculously stupid. Developing for
> iPad,iPod Touch, iPhone is worse than developing for consoles.

The iMacs tend to be a lot less choosy for what gets install on them.

But yeah, they tend to be choosy about who makes stuff for the iTouch, iPhone 
and iPad--so does every console maker since the great crash of 1983, except 
for Microsoft.

Nintendo requires that you have been making games for 2 years, have an 
employee payroll, an office locations, various games you have made for Nintendo 
Systems and about 5000$USD just to make games for a their current console. To 
make something for their current handheld, just simply drop that price tag to 
3000$USD--the rest applies.

This will then make you a licensed developer... does not guarantee your game 
will get out. No, they need to run it through a set of stress tests to 
"ensure" it is a quality product.

Shelf space, magazine spreads and advertising? Hah! Get that yourself.

The thing is, in the case of iPad, iTouch and iPhone, I would say they are on 
par with how unfriendly they are to developers as the various console and hand 
held companies.

With the only exception of Microsoft... and Google if you count the HTC.

> If apple want people to switch they need to price their products
> according to their value, not 3x their value. $800 for an iPad? My
> $400 netbook can do way more than that thing. A guy built a tablet of
> his own recently, it's running windows 7 and is so much more powerful
> than the iPad in every single way. Oh, and it only cost him $670 for
> all the parts, he didn't buy in bulk either. Cheaper than the iPad,
> and more functional.

Right, right, right--the iPad sucks. Everybody knows this. Most Apple Fanboys 
will even complain about how bad it is. Generally getting ticked off because 
the Kindle is better (I mean, Steve Jobs, what are you doing?).

Now then, the real Apple Computers, such as the iMacs, iTouch and iPhone have 
quite a bit less fail to how they are done.

Saying the iPad sucks, is pretty akin to saying everything Microsoft does 
sucks, back when Windows XP was out... because Windows ME just sucked that 

Yeah, the iPad, is the Windows ME of the Apple world. I do not think anybody 
is prepared to argue differently.

> Linux is a far greater platform than OSX, the price, customizabilty
> and the community is amazing. You're not going to get bitched at by
> the community because your program doesn't look the same as all their
> other ones. Source and Steam for Linux, make that the E3 surprise.

Yeah, that is what I am hoping the E3 surprise is... though, I really do not 
think it is likely. It would be awesome--but, generally marketing companies 
tend to have stigmas with Linux. Something about Linux users not wanting to 
pay for stuff (Like I said earlier, Linux users tend to be more anal about 
paying for anything that should get paid for).

This topic kind of came about as an Off Topic tangent, based on me pointing out 
that the hlcoders mailing list should probably get a leak into whatever the 
API changes will be, based on the E3 Surprise, so as to allow for early 

Yeah--some of it got tidied out, it appears


> On 12 June 2010 05:44, Katrina Payne <> wrote:
> > Well--Apples are not that unfriendly to developers. They are not all the
> > friendly though either.
> >
> > On Apple, they have access to Obj-C, Mono, C and C++.
> >
> > OSX also is a fork of FreeBSD... however a friend of mine is quote as say 
> > was once BSD, like the Orcs were once Elves."
> >
> > Apple Computers is one of the main pushers of WebKit which is one of the 
> > highly supportive web renders for the current standard set.
> >
> > Apple has also been known to interact and deal with the KDE product--as 
> > as a few other FlOSS projects. As tenchically, Webkit is a KDE project.
> >
> > Add to that, OSX is the choice OS to talk with IPhone, iTouch, iPad and 
> > iPod.
> >
> > We also have the graphics, design and film users mostly using Apples.
> >
> > The only reason that you do not get as many of the developers as say on
> > Linux/BSD is because Apple Hardware is insanely expensive. Myself, if I 
> > afford it, I would be buying Apples like nothing else.
> >
> > You also get the REALLY insane people talking about Hackintoshes.
> >
> > Never mind the constant rumours for the past few years on the idea of the
> > iConsole. That is, possibly Apple Computers entering into the gaming 
> > market.
> >
> > Now--we have Steam and a Mac Source API.
> >
> > *looks around*
> >
> > Oh right, now to add something else just as crazy as the rest of this: 
> > is a fork in MAH EAR!"
> >
> > Meh--I wish I could get my head out of the clouds and back into reality.
> >
> > ~Katrina
> >
> > On Friday, June 11, 2010 08:16:02 pm Keeper wrote:
> >> Thinking about this ... how much development do people think will happen 
> >> macs?  In the school/academic world, it makes sense because of the
> >> availability to larger groups of macs.  In the real world, however, most
> >> people who code don't use macs.  Is that trend changing?  I'm not a mac
> >> hater, I just know in the business world they aren't generally used for
> >> this.
> >>
> >> As far as moving the steam platform to mac, that makes total sense. 
> >> of advertising/art departments macs are known as being home computers.
> >>
> >> Just wondering if it makes sense from a developers standpoint.
> >>
> >> Keeper
> >>
> >> -----Original Message-----
> >> From: Byron Mallett []
> >> Sent: Friday, June 11, 2010 9:23 PM
> >> To: Discussion of Half-Life Programming
> >> Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Source Engine 2!!!
> >>
> >> I've managed to get my course coordinator for my Digital media course 
> >> interested in the possibilities of Source modding as something to add to 
> >> Mac lab. Now all we need is an SDK to play around with. :D

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