On Saturday, July 24, 2010 04:44:19 pm Jonas 'Sortie' Termansen wrote:
> > I find it ammusing that you follow the trend and use a more
> > complicated vocabulary as well which will probably leave the op quite
> > confused when he runs this through google translate.
> >
> >    
> #ifdef __INTELLIGENCE__
> I just wrap my posts in ifdefs if I don't want some people to read them. 
> And when I don't want anybody to read them at all, I encode them in EBCDIC.
> #endif
> I don't think this guy even has a codebase, at least that's how I 
> understand his post, that he is looking for a Non-Steam Half-Life SDK. 
> He sounds like he is able to make Steam-based Half-Life mods and has 
> found some Non-Steam mods, and that he is now confused how to do it. 
> Though, this HL.dll thing sounds weird to me. Do we have the source code 
> for that?
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extern "Geek Humour" {

Well you can always encode them in preISO ASCII-7. Maybe also have them 
translated to 1337 speak based Aremaic, with a few items demostrated only via 
Perl 4 base Jephs (that is, "pretty" code, sometimes ASCII Art that 
essentially does nothing when ran), then encrypted using Megatoyko's update 
schedule for your key.



To be fair. Half Life DOES kind of predate Steam. He may have found a few 
items and elements that were done with Half Life prior to Steam's creation.

This means he does not have to worry about quite as strict of a copy 
protection scheme. Which has been one of Steam's biggest complaints. Mostly 
for games, that lock out, if they cannot talk with a Steam server to confirm 
they are okay for it. Which does kind of suck, if you are not able to talk to 
Steam on the current computer you are on. Be it for Valve going under, or 
Valve shutting down Steam--but not continuing certain loved games that used 
this copy protection scheme or you are doing a LAN party of sorts.

Though a con is that he would also be using an excessively OLD code base.

We also have a few people that mentioned in the hlds_linux mailing list about 
a project to make a Source Workalike that can get mods that do not use Valve 
properties in them (such as models, gadgets and what not) to work without Half 
Life 2.

Though my understanding was that the Source Workalike to run Mods that do not 
contain Valve IP in them (that is, taking models and what not from Half Life 
1, Half Life 2, Half Life Episodes, TF, TFC, CS, CS:S, Blue Shift., etc., 
etc., etc) was only still, at the very most in an Alpha state, if at that 
stage of things.

So--there could be a few things that he COULD be trying to have a nonSteam 
Half Life Mod run...

Just chances are, if he can get them to run--he could not get them to run well 
in any way.


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