Sorry if I'm not using this mailing list right, this is my first time
actually sending a message, ever.

Several months ago the TF2 Quickplay rules were updated, some of them quite
drastically. The changes server-side mods can make were severely
restricted, and mods like VSH and PropHunt are right out.

Our community's TF2 server has been offline since before this happened, and
recently we've revived it. It used to be a "fun" server, running stuff most
decidedly not suitable for Quickplay now, and we used to turn it all off to
run in "stock" mode and attract Quickplay players when we wanted to play
actual TF2.

That is no longer possible given the new rules, and so the server has been
switched to stock TF2 to make use of Quickplay . However, it was revived
from an existing install, and I'm worried that the brief moment in time
that it came online with Quickplay activated and all the mods still
installed may have blacklisted it forevermore.

To that end, I would like to know; how can you tell if your server has been
banned/blacklisted/whatever from TF2 Quickplay?
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