Perhaps they are tired of people whining about how MS are paying them to
make their game perform poorly on Linux, when In MOST CASES its just noob
people knowing absolutely nothing about Linux, and were just lucky a few
years (or months) ago making hl/srcds run on linux on some crappy hardware.

When serious people with reel problems raise a flag i seems to me that Valve
(or Alfred anyway) does what he can to help with the issue, but I can
related to valves/his lack of replies to countless whining post.

Thomas H. /

From: "Alex" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Subject: Re: [hlds_linux] Timeouts/Lags during a round - NOT at roundend
Date: Sun, 24 Jun 2007 10:27:44 +0200

but as we know meanwhile it doesn't make a difference regarding this issue.


sorry, but I think its kinda desaster meanwhile with no comment from
producer's site!

----- Original Message -----
From: "Svensk Ljud & Ljus Produktion" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, June 24, 2007 9:22 AM
Subject: Re: [hlds_linux] Timeouts/Lags during a round - NOT at roundend

check in boot dir
for the kernel no you downloaded /boot/config-2.6.xx-x.xxxx.fc6
open it in kate or some editor
look for this lines
# CONFIG_HZ_100 is not set

# CONFIG_HZ_250 is not set

# CONFIG_HZ_300 is not set



As you can se - my config-2.6.20-1.2933.fc6 is default set to 1000hz


----- Original Message -----
From: "Guy Watkins" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, June 24, 2007 1:49 AM
Subject: RE: [hlds_linux] Timeouts/Lags during a round - NOT at roundend

How do you know it is 1000Hz?

} -----Original Message-----
} From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:hlds_linux-
} [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Svensk Ljud & Ljus Produktion
} Sent: Saturday, June 23, 2007 4:35 PM
} To:
} Subject: Re: [hlds_linux] Timeouts/Lags during a round - NOT at roundend
} I upgraded my FC6 in feb. and that kernel is default on 1000hz
} I dont remember the kernel no. but it was uploaded then I made an update
} But we do have the lag then the clients starts to fill !
} Peter
} ----- Original Message -----
} From: "Buck" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
} To: <>
} Sent: Saturday, June 23, 2007 10:03 PM
} Subject: Re: [hlds_linux] Timeouts/Lags during a round - NOT at roundend
} --
} [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
} I ask because yesterday, as a desperation attempt, I did a server
} upgrade to a dual-core athlon platform. The kernel I had compiled (with
} 1000hz timing) wasn't compiled with SMP support, so I just loaded to most
} recent vanilla redhat 2.6 smp kernel instead and to compile a new kernel
} later. The thing is, my dod:s server problem completely went away. Now I
} don't know if this is because of the new hardware or the default redhat
} kernel, but it works! I'll try booting into a 1000hz kernel on it tonight
} to
} see if the problem comes back.
} On 6/23/07, Guy Watkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
} >
} > I am using a stock kernel.  RH FC6.
} >
} > How can I determine the system timing?  Can I change the system timing
} > without compiling?  Maybe with a boot option?  I don't want to build a
} > custom kernel if I can avoid it.
} >
} > Also, my CPU speed is 1000MHz.  Is that fast enough for 1000Hz timing?
} >
} > Thanks,
} > Guy
} >
} > } -----Original Message-----
} > } From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:hlds_linux-
} > } [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of ics
} > } Sent: Saturday, June 23, 2007 3:46 AM
} > } To:
} > } Subject: Re: [hlds_linux] Timeouts/Lags during a round - NOT at
} roundend
} > }
} > } Of course, all servers that i run have 1000Hz kernels. 50Hz is
} > } unplayable and 250Hz causes glitches too and fps is limited to 250.
} > } There is also 300Hz option on new kernels but ive always used 1000Hz,
} > } except for testing purposes, the other values. 1000Hz is the only
} > } value which it should be.
} > }
} > } -ics
} > }
} > } Buck kirjoitti:
} > } > --
} > } > [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
} > } > I have a question for you guys with the same problem. Is your linux
} > } kernel
} > } > compiled at 1Khz system timing? (CONFIG_HZ_1000=y)
} > } >
} > } > On 6/22/07, Buck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
} > } >
} > } >> My server IP has been posted earlier, but as I already stated to
} > } replicate
} > } >> the problem one must only join the server. I would be more than
} happy
} > } to
} > } >> hand over shell access to any valve individual to look into this.
} > } >>
} > } >> On 6/22/07, ics <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
} > } >>
} > } >>> Did you even read the post i wrote? I think not. 2 years they
} > ran
} > } >>> fine and now the lag, not before. With those CPU's, higher
} tickrate
} > is
} > } >>> just a dream.
} > } >>>
} > } >>> -ics
} > } >>>
} > } >>> Tom Leighton kirjoitti:
} > } >>>
} > } >>>> There is a recommendation list somewhere on the net, 33 tick
} cannot
} > } >>>> handle more than 20 players wether they are bots or not. Have a
} > } search
} > } >>>> on the steampowered forums i think its there.
} > } >>>>
} > } >>>> Try boosting it to 66/100 tick and see what happens.
} > } >>>>
} > } >>>> ics wrote:
} > } >>>>
} > } >>>>> Let me tell you a story about 1 server ive been maintaining
} among
} > } >>>>> others. It runs a certain modification which uses bots on other
} > side
} > } >>>>>
} > } >>> and
} > } >>>
} > } >>>>> humans on the other. Linux/AMD 2700+ 2,16GHz with 1 Gig memory.
} > Gets
} > } >>>>> rebooted time to time. During 2 years, the performance of the
} > server
} > } >>>>>
} > } >>> has
} > } >>>
} > } >>>>> somewhat "fluctuated" after each CS Source update. Let us start
} > } >>>>>
} > } >>> exactly
} > } >>>
} > } >>>>> 2 years back when the server was able to run 13 bots against 8
} > } >>>>>
} > } >>> humans.
} > } >>>
} > } >>>>> CPU couldnt take any more bots but the server ran fine with
} those
} > } >>>>> settings. After some time, things got better when that update
} came
} > } >>>>>
} > } >>> out
} > } >>>
} > } >>>>> to source where they optimized the code and other things. After
} > } that,
} > } >>>>>
} > } >>>>> the server was able to handle up to 18 bots against 8 humans
} which
} > } >>>>>
} > } >>> was
} > } >>>
} > } >>>>> amazing thing. Later on, another update came and 2 bots had to
} be
} > } >>>>>
} > } >>> thrown
} > } >>>
} > } >>>>> away to make server run smoothly. Some months later, another
} > updates
} > } >>>>> came and yet again 2 bots had to be thrown off to make it run
} > } >>>>>
} > } >>> smoothly
} > } >>>
} > } >>>>> like before so back in 14 bots, almost the 13 the server
} > } >>>>>
} > } >>> with.
} > } >>>
} > } >>>>> Today, when i look at the server after the 2 latest official
} > updates
} > } >>>>> (no, the server didnt paticipate the betas), things are again
} more
} > } >>>>>
} > } >>> worse
} > } >>>
} > } >>>>> but removing any bots doesnt solve the issue.
} > } >>>>>
} > } >>>>> Now when the game is on, people play there, server tickrate
} drops
} > } >>>>>
} > } >>> time
} > } >>>
} > } >>>>> to time from 33 to 32,31 but goes back to 33 quickly. This is
} > } clearly
} > } >>>>> seen with net_graph 3. When these drops occur, players are able
} to
} > } >>>>>
} > } >>> see
} > } >>>
} > } >>>>> game "slowing down" and their fps drops and hits are not always
} > } >>>>> registering. Glitches on screen and so on. I got in there to
} > verify
} > } >>>>>
} > } >>> this
} > } >>>
} > } >>>>> myself. Been playing 2 days now there a lot and it really is
} much
} > } >>>>>
} > } >>> worse
} > } >>>
} > } >>>>> than before these 2 updates. Now when i look at the CPU, its
} > } even
} > } >>>>>
} > } >>>>> near the 100%. Most of the times when server is full, 70-80%
} tops
} > } but
} > } >>>>> usually around 50% but it spikes to 100%  for just 0,1 seconds
} > time
} > } >>>>>
} > } >>> to
} > } >>>
} > } >>>>> time and i think that is causing the glitches. These spikes
} cannot
} > } be
} > } >>>>>
} > } >>>>> seen with top, unless you make it update after 0,5 seconds or
} > } faster.
} > } >>>>> Slmon is also a good prog for spotting this. Even if someone
} plays
} > } >>>>>
} > } >>> there
} > } >>>
} > } >>>>> alone against 9 bots, the glitches occur. Tickrate drops, cpu
} > } spikes.
} > } >>>>>
} > } >>>>> Temporarely this is solved with -pingboost 2-3 option on
} startline
} > } >>>>>
} > } >>> and
} > } >>>
} > } >>>>> that helped a bit but spikes still occur.
} > } >>>>>
} > } >>>>> Let it be noted that in 2 years, performance got up and since
} that
} > 1
} > } >>>>> update, its gone down by every update. While most of the time
} > server
} > } >>>>>
} > } >>> has
} > } >>>
} > } >>>>> ran fine, it never has got this kind of problem. Hdd has been
} > } changed
} > } >>>>> once in this time and PSU too but everything else has remained
} the
} > } >>>>>
} > } >>> same.
} > } >>>
} > } >>>>> This problem occured after 2 latest updates to CS Source. It
} > doesnt
} > } >>>>>
} > } >>> help
} > } >>>
} > } >>>>> if i remove 4 bots, the glitches still occur mid-game. Round
} start
} > /
} > } >>>>>
} > } >>> end
} > } >>>
} > } >>>>> are fine, they happen on middle of the game on this particular
} > } >>>>>
} > } >>> server.
} > } >>>
} > } >>>>> We got another server with same glitch problem Linux/2,4GHz
} 1
} > } >>>>>
} > } >>> gig
} > } >>>
} > } >>>>> memory. It only has humans 24 slots on 33 tick and if we drop
} > } players
} > } >>>>>
} > } >>> to
} > } >>>
} > } >>>>> 16, same glitches happen in game. This server also shows major
} lag
} > } on
} > } >>>>>
} > } >>>>> round_start which the other doesnt show. I have to admit that
} this
} > } >>>>>
} > } >>> runs
} > } >>>
} > } >>>>> pretty much on the CPU edge but these latest updates did
} something
} > } >>>>>
} > } >>> that
} > } >>>
} > } >>>>> cannot be fixed by dropping slots count. Sometimes 3 seconds
} > freeze
} > } >>>>>
} > } >>> time
} > } >>>
} > } >>>>> is long gone and what is left of 5 min round, is then 4:57 or
} so.
} > } >>>>>
} > } >>> Latest
} > } >>>
} > } >>>>> 2 updates brought these problems which it didnt have before.
} There
} > } is
} > } >>>>> also a 3rd server which shows same glitches mid-game time to
} time
} > } and
} > } >>>>>
} > } >>>>> its propably the CPU usage once again what is causing it. It
} > } >>>>>
} > } >>> _fine_
} > } >>>
} > } >>>>> before 2 latest updates to CS Source.
} > } >>>>>
} > } >>>>> Im pretty sure i wrote this down for nothing but here it is
} > anyway.
} > } >>>>> -ics
} > } >>>>>
} > } >>>>>
} > } >>>>> Ian mu kirjoitti:
} > } >>>>>
} > } >>>>>> --
} > } >>>>>> [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
} > } >>>>>> I think as ever it may be useful if people list a bit more
} > to
} > } >>>>>> enable
} > } >>>>>> Valve to isolate if they haven't already (a couple of mails
} have
} > } >>>>>>
} > } >>> been
} > } >>>
} > } >>>>>> more
} > } >>>>>> specific about specs etc).
} > } >>>>>>
} > } >>>>>> Maybe list all the usual stuff, hardware, server settings,
} > } etc.
} > } >>>>>>
} > } >>>>>> They
} > } >>>>>> may not need it, but may also be worth adding if you can
} > reproduce
} > } >>>>>>
} > } >>> the
} > } >>>
} > } >>>>>> problem easily/quickly and if Alfred can have ssh access if he
} > } needs
} > } >>>>>> it.
} > } >>>>>> They may be doing something about it already, but if not that
} > info
} > } >>>>>> may help.
} > } >>>>>>
} > } >>>>>>
} > } >>>>>> On 6/22/07, Alex / ch4os <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
} > } >>>>>>
} > } >>>>>>
} > } >>>>>>> No confirmation so far.. i'm also waiting for any feedback.
} > } >>>>>>>
} > } >>>>>>> Our gamers start searching for new servers, windows machines
} > that
} > } >>>>>>> don't
} > } >>>>>>> lag at all for example...
} > } >>>>>>>
} > } >>>>>>> And i just can't tell them if valve's going to do anything or
} if
} > } >>>>>>>
} > } >>> our
} > } >>>
} > } >>>>>>> server will be shut down soon... :(
} > } >>>>>>>
} > } >>>>>>>
} > } >>>>>>> ----- Ursprüngliche Nachricht -----
} > } >>>>>>> Von: Buck < [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
} > } >>>>>>> Gesendet: Freitag, 22. Juni 2007 03:00
} > } >>>>>>> An:
} > } >>>>>>> Betreff: Re: [hlds_linux] Timeouts/Lags during a round - NOT
} at
} > } >>>>>>> roundend
} > } >>>>>>>
} > } >>>>>>> --
} > } >>>>>>> [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
} > } >>>>>>> I hate to nag, but has there been *any* confirmation of this
} by
} > } >>>>>>>
} > } >>> valve?
} > } >>>
} > } >>>>>>> This
} > } >>>>>>> really sucks, all I can do is watch my server's rank dwindle
} as
} > } all
} > } >>>>>>> the
} > } >>>>>>> regs
} > } >>>>>>> lose hope and leave :\
} > } >>>>>>>
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