In the meantime as Valve/Hiddebn Path Studios propably works in our 
favor to re-add the missing textures to CS Source, i managed to find out 
most of the files that are missing thus leaving seetrough walls and 
checkerboard textures on the particular custom maps. So, if you run the 
custom maps in the list below (+ de_nightfever to the list) or others, 
check them and if you have checkerboard or see-through textures, then i 
suggest you apply the missing 15 vmt files from the package, a total of 
roughly 2KB of data into particular location of your server (the point 
where they should be in the first place) and then make players download 
them. Here's how you do it:

1. If you have old CS Source installation before orangebox update, go to 
server/cstrike/materials/effects/ and copy over the 15 files that are 
missing to your server/orangebox/cstrike/materials/effects/ directory or 
download the files from here
2. Make a resource file called mapname.res, where you put this:

"materials/effects/drtrima.vmt" "file"
"materials/effects/drtrimb.vmt" "file"
"materials/effects/drtrimc.vmt" "file"
"materials/effects/e3_logodoor.vmt" "file"
"materials/effects/ibeama.vmt" "file"
"materials/effects/metaldoor017a.vmt" "file"
"materials/effects/metalfence007a.vmt" "file"
"materials/effects/metalrail011a.vmt" "file"
"materials/effects/metaltruss022b.vmt" "file"
"materials/effects/metaltruss022d.vmt" "file"
"materials/effects/offelevdrsa.vmt" "file"
"materials/effects/offgaragedr.vmt" "file"
"materials/effects/stairsafrnt.vmt" "file"
"materials/effects/stairsatp.vmt" "file"
"materials/effects/stairsatpsnow.vmt" "file"

save it to cstrike/orangebox/maps/ folder with the name mapname.res 
(like de_nightfever.res). Do it for every map missing textures.


If you use mani-admin-plugin, there is a file called texturelist.txt 
under /cstrike/cfg/mani_admin_plugin/ where you can put these lines:

"drtrima.vmt" "materials/effects/drtrima.vmt"
"drtrimb.vmt" "materials/effects/drtrimb.vmt"
"drtrimc.vmt" "materials/effects/drtrimc.vmt"
"e3_logodoor.vmt" "materials/effects/e3_logodoor.vmt"
"ibeama.vmt" "materials/effects/ibeama.vmt"
"metaldoor017a.vmt" "materials/effects/metaldoor017a.vmt"
"metalfence007a.vmt" "materials/effects/metalfence007a.vmt"
"metalrail011a.vmt" "materials/effects/metalrail011a.vmt"
"metaltruss022b.vmt" "materials/effects/metaltruss022b.vmt"
"metaltruss022d.vmt" "materials/effects/metaltruss022d.vmt"
"offelevdrsa.vmt" "materials/effects/offelevdrsa.vmt"
"offgaragedr.vmt" "materials/effects/offgaragedr.vmt"
"stairsafrnt.vmt" "materials/effects/stairsafrnt.vmt"
"stairsatp.vmt" "materials/effects/stairsatp.vmt"
"stairsatpsnow.vmt" "materials/effects/stairsatpsnow.vmt"

(put them inside the "downloads" brackets as seen in the file, like this:


(do not add // in front!)
Note that if you use the mani-admin file, you do not need to create .res 
files for every map.

3. If you use separate sv_downloadurl, make sure you put the files to 
corresponding location on your host (materials/effects/ inside here) so 
they download to players.

This method fixes most of the custom maps, de_phoenix being exception. 
It uses some other files that are no longer within the game.


24.6.2010 15:34, ics kirjoitti:
> So, anyone of you who runs custom maps on their CS Source servers, be 
> aware that following maps (and propably a lot more) have broken 
> textures due to the latest update. It seems that the textures have 
> been removed from the game for some reason and there is a checkerboard 
> texture now replacing them or just transparent wall. Textures that are 
> mostly missing are stairs, doors, railings and metal related. I would 
> put up some list here which ones but i can't open Source SDK after the 
> update. I guess that's partly broken too.
> The following maps are now broken:
> de_phoenix (the most broken one)
> de_strata
> de_season
> de_cityfever
> de_hiekka
> de_varasto_v3
> de_tehdas
> cs/de_pariah
> de_scorch
> de_frost
> cs_muutto
> de_kunta
> as_hiekka
> as_crisis
> + many more.
> Just thought that it's worth mentioning.
> -ics

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